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Re: [xrt_co:02730] Re: xrt_co: - Whole Heliospheric Interval study - input for XRT obervations

Thanks Sakao-san!

Since these campaigns are both part of the WHI study, I don't think  
there will be any conflict between them.  I have sent your name to  
the campaign organizers as a contact point for XRT.


On Nov 17, 2007, at 1:49 AM, Sakao, Taro wrote:

> Hello Ed san and Kathy san,
> I was invited by my IPS colleagues to participate in
> the WHI campaign #2 ("Origin of the Slow Solar Wind")
> and I responded to do so. It appears to me that the TOO
> campaign #3 ("Equatorial Coronal Hole Study") is mostly,
> if not all, identical to the campaign #2 as long as
> XRT is concerned, and I would cirtainly be happy to
> be an XRT coordinator for this TOO campaign as well if
> these two are not of competitive nature.
> With best regards,
> Taro
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [xrt_co:02718] Re: xrt_co: - Whole Heliospheric Interval  
> study - input for XRT obervations
> From: kathy reeves <kreeves@cfa.harvard.edu>
> To: XRT-CO <xrt_co@solar.isas.jaxa.jp>,  
> xrt_science@head.cfa.harvard.edu, Alphonse C. (MSFC-VP62) Sterling  
> <Alphonse.Sterling@nasa.gov>
> Date: Sat Nov 17 2007 04:17:31 GMT+0900
>> Hi XRT-CO's and scientists,
>> Let me clarify Ed's email below, a little.  The Whole  
>> Heliospheric  Interval is a coordinated observing and modeling  
>> campaign taking  place in Carrington Rotation 2068: March 20 -  
>> April 16, 2008.  It is  designed to study the "3-dimensional  
>> interconnected solar- heliospheric-planetary system." (see http:// 
>> ihy2007.org/WHI/ WHI.shtml)   There are many sub-studies in this  
>> effort (think of it  like the SUMER campaigns), and the  
>> coordinators of these studies are  currently looking for input  
>> from the instrument teams.  Alphonse and  I are listed as the POCs  
>> for Hinode/XRT - I think a useful to go  about organizing this  
>> would be for people to volunteer ideas for  observing plans for  
>> each of the individual studies, and give them to  me, so that the  
>> WHI coordinators have only one XRT person to interact  with.  I  
>> will volunteer myself for the Polar crown filament/ cavity   
>> study.  Here are the other proposed studies:
>> Solar Targeted Observing Campaigns (each to be run one week of  
>> CROT  2068)
>> 1) Linking the Corona to the Solar Wind at Ulysses (to occur at  
>> the  NE limb of the Sun)
>> Coordinator: Giannina Poletto
>> 2) Origin of the Slow Solar Wind (to occur at a streamer at the  
>> limb,  probably NE quadrant)
>> Coordinator: Leonard Strachan
>> Scientific Objectives: To understand the origin of the slow solar   
>> wind from coronal streamer regions, including the core, stalk,  
>> and  boundaries. We are interested in measurements at all heights  
>> in the  corona and in the solar wind: Temperature, density,  
>> abundance,  outflow velocity measurements will be useful.
>> Also in order to study the 3D structure of streamers we would  
>> like  synoptic observations in all imaging instruments.
>> 3) Coronal Hole Boundary (to occur on disk, probably a polar  
>> hole,  but an equatorial hole if available)
>> Coordinator: Craig DeForest
>> 4) Quiet Sun (to occur on disk, near center)
>> Coordinator: Scott McIntosh
>>  From Scott: "I think that we need to push for data that will help  
>> us  study the interplay of the constantly evolving magnetic fields  
>> and  various MA wave motions and observe how together they  
>> generate and  maintain the structures that we see in the  
>> chromosphere, radiating in  the transition region and maybe even  
>> get a feel for how those [waves  and structures] connect to the  
>> corona although that is a tougher  proposition. Thoughts and  
>> additions to the rationale are certainly  most welcome."
>> Target of Opportunity Campaigns
>> 1) Polar Crown Filament/Cavity Study
>> Coordinator: Sarah Gibson
>> 2) Active Region Study
>> Coordinator: Bob Leamon
>> 3) Equatorial Coronal Hole Study
>> Coordinator: Mari Paz Miralles
>> Scientific Objectives: To understand the origin of the solar wind  
>> from
>> low-latitude coronal holes, including coronal hole boundaries. We  
>> are  interested
>> in measurements at all heights in the corona and in the solar wind:
>> Temperature, density, abundance, outflow velocity measurements  
>> will  be useful.
>> Please let me know if you have ideas for observing plans for any  
>> of  these topics.  The coordinators of these campaigns are looking  
>> for  input within the next week or two.
>> Note that the WHI campaign hasn't been added to the Hinode  
>> calendar  yet.  Alphonse, were you going to take care of  
>> communicating with the  SSCs, or should I?
>> Thanks,
>> Kathy
>> On Nov 16, 2007, at 1:18 PM, Ed Deluca wrote:
>>> XRT coordinator needed for WHI low latitude coronal hole campaign.
>>> ===================================================================
>>>       Dr. Edward E. DeLuca           Smithsonian Astrophysical   
>>> Observatory
>>>       edeluca@cfa.harvard.edu     MS 58
>>> Office 617 496 7725                     60 Garden Street
>>> Fax     617 496 7577                     Cambridge, MA  02138
>>> Cell    508 728 5424                     USA
>>> ===================================================================
>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>>> From: mmiralles@cfa.harvard.edu
>>>> Date: November 16, 2007 12:26:20 PM EST
>>>> To: azb@aber.ac.uk, kojima@stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp,   
>>>> mano@ncra.tifr.res.in, tokumaru@stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp,   
>>>> Alphonse.Sterling@nasa.gov, kreeves@cfa.harvard.edu,   
>>>> jcirtain@cfa.harvard.edu, lgolub@cfa.harvard.edu,   
>>>> edeluca@cfa.harvard.edu, angelos.vourlidas@nrl.navy.mil,   
>>>> david.webb@hanscom.af.mil, tomczyk@ucar.edu,   
>>>> fludra@cdso8.nascom.nasa.gov, dipu@iiap.res.in,   
>>>> enrico.landi@nrl.navy.mil, therese.a.kucera@nasa.gov,   
>>>> schenk@kreutz.nascom.nasa.gov, raouafi@noao.edu,   
>>>> jeffrey.newmark@nrl.navy.mil, toni.galvin@unh.edu,   
>>>> milan.maksimovic@obspm.fr, wimmer@physik.uni-kiel.de, Jean-  
>>>> Andre.Sauvaud@cesr.fr, mmiralles@cfa.harvard.edu
>>>> Subject: WHI TOO Information Requested by Nov 20
>>>> Reply-To: mmiralles@cfa.harvard.edu
>>>> Dear Colleagues,
>>>> I am the coordinator for the Target of Opportunity (TOO) "Low-  
>>>> latitude
>>>> Coronal Hole" Campaign for the Whole Heliosphere Interval (WHI).
>>>> The observation period is 20 Mar - 16 Apr 2008 (Carrington Rot.   
>>>> 2068).
>>>> As the organizer for this part of WHI, I am requesting details   
>>>> from those
>>>> who may be interested on participating during the campaign.
>>>> I need the following information from the instrument teams (by  
>>>> Nov  20):
>>>>       1) Contact person for the campaign (affiliation, email  
>>>> address)
>>>>       2) Name of Instrument/Observatory that will contribute
>>>>       3) Instrument Availability (dates and UT times)
>>>>       4) Any information on instrument configuration  
>>>> (wavelength  band,
>>>>          resolution, time cadence, FOV etc.)
>>>>       5) General Comments on potential issues.
>>>> Even if you think that you may want to participate but don't  
>>>> have  all of the
>>>> information, I would still like to know of your interests anyway.
>>>> I need to provide all this information to the WHI organizers so   
>>>> that they can
>>>> give a presentation to the SOHO Science Working Group.  Thanks  
>>>> for  your help.
>>>> Please don't hesitate to ask if you questions.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Mari-Paz Miralles
>>>> ------------------------------------
>>>> The basic description of the TOO is shown below.
>>>> Title: "Low-latitude Coronal Hole"
>>>> Dates: 20 Mar - 16 Apr 2008  (Exact dates within this period  
>>>> are  not set)
>>>> Scientific Objectives: To understand the origin of the solar  
>>>> wind  from
>>>> low-latitude coronal holes, including coronal hole boundaries.  
>>>> We  are interested
>>>> in measurements at all heights in the corona and in the solar wind:
>>>> Temperature, density, abundance, outflow velocity measurements   
>>>> will be useful.