function xrt_flarecat, t1, t2, class=class, noaa=noaa, all=all, catalog=catalog, download=download, quiet=quiet ; ======================================================================================== ;+ ; PROJECT: ; XRT Flare Catalog ; ; NAME: ; XRT_FLARECAT ; ; CATEGORY: ; File I/O ; ; PURPOSE: ; Query the XRT Flare Catalog. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; flares = xrt_flarecat(t1, t2 [,class=class] [,noaa=noaa] [,/all] [,catalog=catalog] ; [,/download] [,/quiet]) ; ; INPUTS: ; T1 = (String or Double) ; Start time of search in any time accepted by anytim() (e.g. '2014/01/01 00:00:00'). ; Defaults to the earliest flare if undefined. ; T2 = (String or Double) ; End time of search. Defaults to latest flare if undefined. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; RETURN = (Structure Array) ; Structure array with flare info if results were found or -1 if no results were. ; found. See notes for what's contained in the structure. ; ; KEYWORDS: ; CLASS = (String) ; Optional filter for GOES class (e.g. 'A','B', 'C', 'M', 'X') ; NOAA = (String or Integer) ; Optional filter for NOAA AR number. ; CATALOG = (String) ; path to xrt_flarecat.sav file. The save file is included with this ; routine in SolarSoft, found here: ssw/hinode/xrt/idl/util/ ; DOWNLOAD = (Boolean) ; Set to download the latest version of the catalog save file from the XRT Flare ; Catalog website: ; The save file is stored with this routine in the ssw/hinode/xrt/idl/util/ ; directory, but users may wish to download the file from the web if their SSW ; distribution is not entirely up-to-date or if they are using this function ; independent of SolarSoft. ; QUIET = (Boolean) ; Set to suppress messages. ; ; EXAMPLES: ; flares = xrt_flarecat('2014/01/01 00:00', '2014/01/02 00:00', /download) ; % XRT_FLARECAT: 2 flare(s) with XRT data between 2014-01-01T00:00:00 and 2014-01-02T00:00:00 ; % XRT_FLARECAT: Class counts... C: 1, M: 1 ; help, flares ; FLARES STRUCT = -> Array[2] ; ; NOTES: ; (1) The XRT Flare Catalog lives here: and it is ; adapted from the Hinode Flare Catalog, which lives here: ; ; (2) The structure tags in the output are defined as follows: ; ID: Event ID corresponding to the Hinode Flare Catalog entry. ; FLARECAT: URL link to the catalog website for that event. ; START: Start time for flare (UT). ; _END: End time for flare (UT). ; PEAK: Time of peak GOES flux (UT). ; LOC1: Location in heliographic coordinates. ; CLASS: GOES X-ray class. ; X: X distance from sun center (arcsec). ; Y: X distance from sun center (arcsec). ; SOT: Number of SOT images between start & end time that include the flaring region. ; XRT: Number of XRT useful images (excludes darks, g-band, and flare patrol images). ; EIS: Number of EIS observations between start & end time that include the flaring region. ; RHESSI: Number of XRT images between start & end time that include the flaring region. ; NORH: If populated, indicates date of Nobeyama Radioheliograph observation. ; COMBOS: Filter and field-of-view combinations for XRT with the number of images for each. ; MOVIES: Path(s) to GIF animation movies on XRT website, if applicable. ; RESPONSE: Number of XRT images taken using the flare response program. ; PRE_FLARE: Number of XRT images from the pre-flare buffer (only relevant if there was a flare response). ; OBS_NOTE: Yes or no for if XRT caught the flare and the reason why the flare was missed if no. ; REGION: NOAA region for that event or blank if the flare wasn't associated with a numbered region. ; HEK: URL link to the HEK entry, if applicable. ; ; (3) The COMBOS and MOVIES tags in the output structure may contain an arbitrary number ; of substrings concatenated together, delimited by the '|' character. These correspond ; to the Filter and FOV combinations available for that flare. To extract this ; information, you can do the following: ; ; IDL> combos = strsplit(flares[0], '|', /extract) ; IDL> for i=0, n_elements(combos)-1 do print, combos[i] ; ; The movie paths can be extracted likewise. These are relative paths from the Flare ; Catalog Website. To get links to all of the movies for a certain event, you can do: ; ; IDL> movies = strsplit(flares[0], '|', /extract) ; IDL> website = '' ; IDL> for i=0, n_elements(movies)-1 do print, website+movies[i] ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; - 2014/10/28 Written by Patrick McCauley ( ; - 2014/12/10 Added the DOWNLOAD keyword and fixed a bug. - PM ; - 2015/04/06 Fixed an IDL 8 compatibility issue (changed sav file name). -PM ; - 2015/05/03 Made the DOWNLOAD keyword the default setting so that the save file ; will just be downloaded each time instead of having to worry about ; getting an new version into SSWDB after every update. -PM. ; ;- ; ======================================================================================== if n_elements(download) eq 0 then download = 1 if keyword_set(download) then begin if not keyword_set(quiet) then message, 'Downloading latest version of the catalog...', /info url = '' oUrl = obj_new('IDLnetUrl') catalog = oUrl->IDLnetURL::Get(url=url, filename='xrt_flarecat.sav') obj_destroy, oUrl if file_test('xrt_flarecat.sav') eq 0 then begin if not keyword_set(quiet) then message, 'Catalog download failed. Using version in SSWDB (may not include recent events).', /info temp = temporary(catalog) endif endif if not keyword_set(catalog) then begin ssw = get_logenv('SSW') catalog = ssw+'/hinode/xrt/idl/util/xrt_flarecat.sav' endif if file_test(catalog) eq 0 then begin message, 'Catalog file not found: ssw/hinode/xrt/idl/util/xrt_flarecat.sav. Try rerunning with the /DOWNLOAD keyword.', /info return, -1 endif else restore, catalog f = flarecat if n_elements(t1) eq 0 then t1 = f[0].start if n_elements(t2) eq 0 then t2 = f[n_elements(f)-1]._end want = where(anytim(f.start) ge anytim(t1) AND anytim(f._end) le anytim(t2), count) if count eq 0 then begin if not keyword_set(quiet) then message, 'No flares between '+strmid(anytim(t1, /ccsds), 0, 19)+' and '+strmid(anytim(t2, /ccsds), 0, 19), /info return, -1 endif f = f[want] if keyword_set(all) then all_msg = '' else all_msg = 'with XRT data' if keyword_set(class) then class_msg = 'class '+class else class_msg = '' if keyword_set(noaa) then noaa_msg = 'from AR '+trim(noaa) else noaa_msg = '' if not keyword_set(all) then begin want = where(long(f.xrt) gt 0, count) if count eq 0 then begin if not keyword_set(quiet) then message, 'No flares with XRT data between '+strmid(anytim(t1, /ccsds), 0, 19)+' and '+strmid(anytim(t2, /ccsds), 0, 19)+' ('+trim(n_elements(f))+' without XRT data)', /info return, -1 endif f = f[want] endif if keyword_set(class) then begin want = where(strupcase(class) eq strmid(f.class, 0, 1), count) if count eq 0 then begin if not keyword_set(quiet) then message, 'No '+class_msg+' flares '+all_msg+' between '+strmid(anytim(t1, /ccsds), 0, 19)+' and '+strmid(anytim(t2, /ccsds), 0, 19), /info return, -1 endif f = f[want] endif if keyword_set(noaa) then begin want = where(trim(noaa) eq f.region, count) if count eq 0 then begin if not keyword_set(quiet) then message, 'No '+class_msg+' flares '+all_msg+' '+noaa_msg+' between '+strmid(anytim(t1, /ccsds), 0, 19)+' and '+strmid(anytim(t2, /ccsds), 0, 19), /info return, -1 endif f = f[want] endif if not keyword_set(quiet) then begin classes = strmid(f.class, 0, 1) uniq_classes = classes[uniq(classes, sort(classes))] class_counts = intarr(n_elements(uniq_classes)) for j=0, n_elements(uniq_classes)-1 do begin want = where(classes eq uniq_classes[j], count) class_counts[j] = count endfor summary = strjoin(uniq_classes+': '+trim(class_counts), ', ') message, trim(n_elements(f))+' '+class_msg+' flare(s) '+all_msg+' '+noaa_msg+' between '+strmid(anytim(t1, /ccsds), 0, 19)+' and '+strmid(anytim(t2, /ccsds), 0, 19), /info if not keyword_set(class) then message, 'Class counts... '+summary, /info endif return, f end