XRT DV REPORT: 2007/01/15 - 16 1) Check HouseKeeping and Health & Safety. All HK temperatures look fine through 2007/01/17 17:30 UT H&S notification software is not yet ready. 2) Review most recent data for possible current problems. Most recent QuickLook data goes up to 2007/01/17 10:30 UT. Data look reasonable. Transitions from one program to the next were fine. 3) Organize any SAO support requested by the XRT CO. SAO will start preparing high cadence XOB's to increased DR program with EIS. 4) Collect screenshots and associated files for current day's upload plan into the web-archive. Timeline = 20070115 http://xrt.cfa.harvard.edu/missionops/restricted/timelines/20070115_Plan/ Timeline = 20070116 http://xrt.cfa.harvard.edu/missionops/restricted/timelines/20070116_Plan/ 5) Review data with timeline for most recent complete day. Day = 2007/01/14 to 2007/01/16 Timeline = 20070115 & 20070116 Data consistent with timelines.