Sequence name: 20070605_saved Version: 0000 Start date: 2007/06/05 07:21:00 End date: 2007/06/07 10:33:00 Author last name: JIBBEN Author first name: Patricia Pointing file: re-point_200706058000.txt Events file: op_period_200706058000.evt Events file: plan_term_200706058000.evt Events file: obev_200706058000.evt Data rate input file: dr_200706058000.txt Data rate output file: dr_XRT_200706050800.txt Data rate simulator file: dr_XRT_200706050800.sim Sequence type: OP Command plan S/C slot: 000 Last used: 2007/06/05 03:03:57 Last modified: 2007/06/04 05:19:44 AEC Table: 0000608E9278/0007 ARS Table: 0000341F5A1C/0006 FLD Table: 0000623C7AB6/0009 FLT Table: 000040167B23/0002 ROI Table: 000000000000/0000 Deleted: No Locked: No Unique tag: 000000000000 COT version: 0.9x13 COT build: 1307 RAMSUB ID: 291 Cmd plan pass: 800 Table load pass: 300 Export count: 5 I&T INSTRUME: XRT I&T OBSERVER: Jibben, Patricia I&T PLANNER: Katsukawa I&T TOHBANS: Arikawa I&T ORIGIN: SAO > PT : Latest re-pointing: Track 0, Format example, meaningless pointing information (OP) 2007/06/05 00:00:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_PLN_START: (OP) 2007/06/05 07:21:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY: (OP) 2007/06/05 07:26:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT: (OP) 2007/06/05 07:32:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_ENTRY: (OP) 2007/06/05 07:45:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_2: (OP) 2007/06/05 08:00:00 ESQ End of sequence v EXT XRT_NGT_ENTRY: (OP) 2007/06/05 08:02:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_2: (OP) 2007/06/05 08:05:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_EXIT: (OP) 2007/06/05 08:09:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_3: (OP) 2007/06/05 08:15:30 ESQ End of sequence v EXT XRT_NGT_EXIT: (OP) 2007/06/05 08:20:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_3: (OP) 2007/06/05 08:21:30 ESQ End of sequence > PT : AOCS Mem-Upload-01: AOCS Mem-Upload-01 (Memory upload : #) (OP) 2007/06/05 08:38:19 ESQ End of sequence > SEQ Table_Upload: (OP) 2007/06/05 10:18:15 MSG (No pause) MSG ************ XRT START ************ (No pause) MSG (No pause) XRT MDP_XRT_CTRL_MANU P XRT MDP_XRT_MODE_STBY P MSG ----------- Success Verify ? OK / NG____ (No pause) MSG (No pause) MSG XRT Obs. Table Upload (No pause) XRT MDP_UPLOAD_XRTTBL P MSG (No pause) XRT MDP_DUMP_XRTTBL P MSG ----------- Comparison Check ? OK / ERR ____ (Pauses) MSG (No pause) MSG (No pause) ROI XOB 2EE770A3274D/13A0 (Normal) P XOB 2EE770A3274D/13A0 (Flare) P XRT MDP_XRT_ARS_DIS N XRT MDP_XRT_FLD_ENA N XRT MDP_XRT_FLD_RESET N XRT MDP_XRT_FLRCTRL_DIS N MSG ---------- Success Verify ? OK / NG ____ (No pause) MSG (No pause) MSG (No pause) MSG All OK? Yes--> Please Proceed. / No --> Stop here. (Pauses) MSG (No pause) XRT MDP_XRT_MODE_OBSV P XRT MDP_XRT_CTRL_AUTO N MSG ---------- Success Verify ? OK / NG ____ (Pauses) MSG (No pause) MSG ************ XRT END *********** (No pause) ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_4: (OP) 2007/06/05 08:49:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_4: (OP) 2007/06/05 08:55:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_5: (OP) 2007/06/05 09:05:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_5: (OP) 2007/06/05 09:10:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_ENTRY_2: (OP) 2007/06/05 09:25:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_6: (OP) 2007/06/05 09:38:30 ESQ End of sequence v EXT XRT_NGT_ENTRY_2: (OP) 2007/06/05 09:41:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_6: (OP) 2007/06/05 09:44:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_EXIT_2: (OP) 2007/06/05 09:45:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_7: (OP) 2007/06/05 09:54:00 ESQ End of sequence v EXT XRT_NGT_EXIT_2: (OP) 2007/06/05 09:59:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_7: (OP) 2007/06/05 10:00:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_8: (OP) 2007/06/05 10:27:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_8: (OP) 2007/06/05 10:33:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_9: (OP) 2007/06/05 10:43:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_9: (OP) 2007/06/05 10:49:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_OP_START: (OP) 2007/06/05 10:56:00 ESQ End of sequence > SEQ AR_10960#_1: (OP) 2007/06/05 11:05:54_00 I&T OBSTITLE: Active region tracking across disk I&T TARGET: AR I&T SCI_OBJ: AR, FS, SS, XBP I&T OBS_DEC: AR - Microflares & Topology - Al/mesh, Ti/Poly, Thick-Al, G-band (512FOV) - Ti-poly context (8s_Q92-35p compression) - AEC123-4 I&T JOIN_SB: X XRT MDP_XRT_CTRL_MANU P :01:38_00 XRT XRT_FOCUS_POSITION -361 P XOB 35867095EF4B/13A7 (Normal) P XOB 35867095EF4B/13A7 (Flare) P XRT MDP_XRT_AEC_RESET P XRT MDP_XRT_ARS_DIS P XRT MDP_XRT_FLD_ENA P XRT MDP_XRT_FLRCTRL_DIS P XRT MDP_XRT_CTRL_AUTO P ESQ End of sequence > PT : ORe-point Start: Track 4, Offsets (arcsec) (-457.8, -98.5) (OP) 2007/06/05 11:06:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_ENTRY_3: (OP) 2007/06/05 11:07:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_EXIT_3: (OP) 2007/06/05 11:13:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_10: (OP) 2007/06/05 11:17:00 ESQ End of sequence > SSQ SSQ_34: XRT_NGT_ENTRY (111374DF60F1/005E) 2007/06/05 11:14:30_00 ESQ End of sequence v EXT XRT_NGT_ENTRY_3: (OP) 2007/06/05 11:19:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_10: (OP) 2007/06/05 11:22:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_11: (OP) 2007/06/05 11:32:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_EXIT_3: (OP) 2007/06/05 11:37:30 > SSQ SSQ_6: XRT_NGT_EXIT (6D52051752DF/005F) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_11: (OP) 2007/06/05 11:38:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_12: (OP) 2007/06/05 12:06:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_12: (OP) 2007/06/05 12:12:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_13: (OP) 2007/06/05 12:22:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_13: (OP) 2007/06/05 12:27:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_14: (OP) 2007/06/05 12:55:30 ESQ End of sequence > SSQ SSQ_63: XRT_NGT_ENTRY (111374DF60F1/005E) 2007/06/05 12:53:00_00 ESQ End of sequence v EXT XRT_NGT_ENTRY_4: (OP) 2007/06/05 12:58:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_14: (OP) 2007/06/05 13:01:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_15: (OP) 2007/06/05 13:11:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_EXIT_4: (OP) 2007/06/05 13:16:00 > SSQ SSQ_8: XRT_NGT_EXIT (6D52051752DF/005F) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_15: (OP) 2007/06/05 13:17:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_16: (OP) 2007/06/05 13:44:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_16: (OP) 2007/06/05 13:50:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_17: (OP) 2007/06/05 14:00:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_17: (OP) 2007/06/05 14:06:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_18: (OP) 2007/06/05 14:34:00 ESQ End of sequence > SSQ SSQ_64: XRT_NGT_ENTRY (111374DF60F1/005E) 2007/06/05 14:31:30_00 ESQ End of sequence v EXT XRT_NGT_ENTRY_5: (OP) 2007/06/05 14:36:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_18: (OP) 2007/06/05 14:39:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_19: (OP) 2007/06/05 14:49:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_ENTRY_4: (OP) 2007/06/05 14:54:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_EXIT_5: (OP) 2007/06/05 14:54:30 > SSQ SSQ_10: XRT_NGT_EXIT (6D52051752DF/005F) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_19: (OP) 2007/06/05 14:55:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_EXIT_4: (OP) 2007/06/05 15:02:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_20: (OP) 2007/06/05 15:23:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_20: (OP) 2007/06/05 15:29:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_21: (OP) 2007/06/05 15:39:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_21: (OP) 2007/06/05 15:44:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_22: (OP) 2007/06/05 16:12:30 ESQ End of sequence > SSQ SSQ_65: XRT_NGT_ENTRY (111374DF60F1/005E) 2007/06/05 16:10:00_00 ESQ End of sequence > SEQ STOP_and_Synoptic_Two_Filters: (OP) 2007/06/05 17:33:24_00 I&T OBSTITLE: Synoptic I&T TARGET: FS I&T SCI_OBJ: FS, SYN I&T OBS_DEC: STOP and Synoptic Open+Al/mesh - Open+Ti/Poly - Dark Cal I&T JOIN_SB: X XRT MDP_XRT_CTRL_MANU N :01:38_00 XRT XRT_FOCUS_POSITION -86 N XOB BB4B3E488C03/13A5 (Normal) P XOB BB4B3E488C03/13A5 (Flare) P XRT MDP_XRT_FLD_DIS N XRT MDP_XRT_FLRCTRL_DIS N XRT MDP_XRT_ARS_DIS N XRT MDP_XRT_CTRL_AUTO N ESQ End of sequence v EXT XRT_NGT_ENTRY_6: (OP) 2007/06/05 16:15:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_22: (OP) 2007/06/05 16:18:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_ENTRY_5: (OP) 2007/06/05 16:28:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_23: (OP) 2007/06/05 16:28:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_EXIT_6: (OP) 2007/06/05 16:33:00 > SSQ SSQ_12: XRT_NGT_EXIT (6D52051752DF/005F) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_23: (OP) 2007/06/05 16:34:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_EXIT_5: (OP) 2007/06/05 16:51:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_24: (OP) 2007/06/05 17:01:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_24: (OP) 2007/06/05 17:07:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_25: (OP) 2007/06/05 17:17:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_25: (OP) 2007/06/05 17:23:00 ESQ End of sequence > PT : ORe-point Start: Track 0, Offsets (arcsec) (0.0, 0.0) (OP) 2007/06/05 17:33:30 ESQ End of sequence > SEQ AR_1096#_2: (OP) 2007/06/05 17:43:24_00 I&T OBSTITLE: Active region tracking across disk I&T TARGET: AR I&T SCI_OBJ: AR, FS, SS, XBP I&T OBS_DEC: AR - Microflares & Topology - Al/mesh, Ti/Poly, Thick-Al, G-band (512FOV) - Ti-poly context (8s_Q92-35p compression) - AEC123-4 I&T JOIN_SB: X XRT MDP_XRT_CTRL_MANU P :01:38_00 XRT XRT_FOCUS_POSITION -361 P XOB 35867095EF4B/13A7 (Normal) P XOB 35867095EF4B/13A7 (Flare) P XRT MDP_XRT_AEC_RESET P XRT MDP_XRT_ARS_DIS P XRT MDP_XRT_FLD_ENA P XRT MDP_XRT_FLRCTRL_DIS P XRT MDP_XRT_CTRL_AUTO P ESQ End of sequence > PT : ORe-point Start: Track 4, Offsets (arcsec) (-403.9, -98.9) (OP) 2007/06/05 17:43:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_26: (OP) 2007/06/05 17:51:00 ESQ End of sequence > SSQ SSQ_66: XRT_NGT_ENTRY (111374DF60F1/005E) 2007/06/05 17:48:30_00 ESQ End of sequence v EXT XRT_NGT_ENTRY_7: (OP) 2007/06/05 17:53:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_26: (OP) 2007/06/05 17:56:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_ENTRY_6: (OP) 2007/06/05 18:04:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_27: (OP) 2007/06/05 18:06:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_EXIT_7: (OP) 2007/06/05 18:11:30 > SSQ SSQ_14: XRT_NGT_EXIT (6D52051752DF/005F) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_27: (OP) 2007/06/05 18:12:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_EXIT_6: (OP) 2007/06/05 18:28:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_28: (OP) 2007/06/05 18:40:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_28: (OP) 2007/06/05 18:46:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_29: (OP) 2007/06/05 18:56:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_29: (OP) 2007/06/05 19:01:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_30: (OP) 2007/06/05 19:29:30 ESQ End of sequence > SSQ SSQ_67: XRT_NGT_ENTRY (111374DF60F1/005E) 2007/06/05 19:27:00_00 ESQ End of sequence v EXT XRT_NGT_ENTRY_8: (OP) 2007/06/05 19:32:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_30: (OP) 2007/06/05 19:35:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_ENTRY_7: (OP) 2007/06/05 19:41:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_31: (OP) 2007/06/05 19:45:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_EXIT_8: (OP) 2007/06/05 19:50:00 > SSQ SSQ_16: XRT_NGT_EXIT (6D52051752DF/005F) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_31: (OP) 2007/06/05 19:51:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_EXIT_7: (OP) 2007/06/05 20:05:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_32: (OP) 2007/06/05 20:18:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_32: (OP) 2007/06/05 20:24:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_33: (OP) 2007/06/05 20:34:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_33: (OP) 2007/06/05 20:40:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_34: (OP) 2007/06/05 21:08:00 ESQ End of sequence > SSQ SSQ_68: XRT_NGT_ENTRY (111374DF60F1/005E) 2007/06/05 21:05:30_00 ESQ End of sequence v EXT XRT_NGT_ENTRY_9: (OP) 2007/06/05 21:10:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_34: (OP) 2007/06/05 21:13:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_ENTRY_8: (OP) 2007/06/05 21:19:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_35: (OP) 2007/06/05 21:23:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_EXIT_9: (OP) 2007/06/05 21:28:30 > SSQ SSQ_18: XRT_NGT_EXIT (6D52051752DF/005F) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_35: (OP) 2007/06/05 21:29:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_EXIT_8: (OP) 2007/06/05 21:42:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_36: (OP) 2007/06/05 21:57:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_36: (OP) 2007/06/05 22:03:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_37: (OP) 2007/06/05 22:13:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_37: (OP) 2007/06/05 22:18:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_38: (OP) 2007/06/05 22:46:30 ESQ End of sequence > SSQ SSQ_69: XRT_NGT_ENTRY (111374DF60F1/005E) 2007/06/05 22:44:00_00 ESQ End of sequence v EXT XRT_NGT_ENTRY_10: (OP) 2007/06/05 22:49:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_38: (OP) 2007/06/05 22:52:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_ENTRY_9: (OP) 2007/06/05 22:56:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_39: (OP) 2007/06/05 23:02:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_EXIT_10: (OP) 2007/06/05 23:07:00 > SSQ SSQ_20: XRT_NGT_EXIT (6D52051752DF/005F) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_39: (OP) 2007/06/05 23:08:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_EXIT_9: (OP) 2007/06/05 23:18:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_40: (OP) 2007/06/05 23:35:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_40: (OP) 2007/06/05 23:41:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_41: (OP) 2007/06/05 23:51:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_41: (OP) 2007/06/05 23:57:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_42: (OP) 2007/06/06 00:25:00 ESQ End of sequence > SSQ SSQ_70: XRT_NGT_ENTRY (111374DF60F1/005E) 2007/06/06 00:22:30_00 ESQ End of sequence v EXT XRT_NGT_ENTRY_11: (OP) 2007/06/06 00:27:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_42: (OP) 2007/06/06 00:30:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_ENTRY_10: (OP) 2007/06/06 00:34:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_43: (OP) 2007/06/06 00:40:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_EXIT_10: (OP) 2007/06/06 00:43:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_EXIT_11: (OP) 2007/06/06 00:45:30 > SSQ SSQ_22: XRT_NGT_EXIT (6D52051752DF/005F) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_43: (OP) 2007/06/06 00:46:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_44: (OP) 2007/06/06 01:14:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_44: (OP) 2007/06/06 01:20:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_45: (OP) 2007/06/06 01:30:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_45: (OP) 2007/06/06 01:35:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_ENTRY_11: (OP) 2007/06/06 01:59:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_46: (OP) 2007/06/06 02:03:30 ESQ End of sequence > SSQ SSQ_71: XRT_NGT_ENTRY (111374DF60F1/005E) 2007/06/06 02:01:00_00 ESQ End of sequence v EXT XRT_NGT_ENTRY_12: (OP) 2007/06/06 02:06:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_46: (OP) 2007/06/06 02:09:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_EXIT_11: (OP) 2007/06/06 02:17:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_47: (OP) 2007/06/06 02:19:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_EXIT_12: (OP) 2007/06/06 02:24:00 > SSQ SSQ_24: XRT_NGT_EXIT (6D52051752DF/005F) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_47: (OP) 2007/06/06 02:25:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_48: (OP) 2007/06/06 02:52:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_48: (OP) 2007/06/06 02:58:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_49: (OP) 2007/06/06 03:08:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_49: (OP) 2007/06/06 03:14:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_ENTRY_12: (OP) 2007/06/06 03:33:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_50: (OP) 2007/06/06 03:42:00 ESQ End of sequence > SSQ SSQ_72: XRT_NGT_ENTRY (111374DF60F1/005E) 2007/06/06 03:39:30_00 ESQ End of sequence v EXT XRT_NGT_ENTRY_13: (OP) 2007/06/06 03:44:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_50: (OP) 2007/06/06 03:47:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_EXIT_12: (OP) 2007/06/06 03:53:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_51: (OP) 2007/06/06 03:57:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_EXIT_13: (OP) 2007/06/06 04:02:30 > SSQ SSQ_26: XRT_NGT_EXIT (6D52051752DF/005F) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_51: (OP) 2007/06/06 04:03:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_52: (OP) 2007/06/06 04:31:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_52: (OP) 2007/06/06 04:37:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_53: (OP) 2007/06/06 04:47:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_53: (OP) 2007/06/06 04:52:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_ENTRY_13: (OP) 2007/06/06 05:02:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_54: (OP) 2007/06/06 05:20:30 ESQ End of sequence > SSQ SSQ_73: XRT_NGT_ENTRY (111374DF60F1/005E) 2007/06/06 05:18:00_00 ESQ End of sequence v EXT XRT_NGT_ENTRY_14: (OP) 2007/06/06 05:23:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_54: (OP) 2007/06/06 05:26:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_EXIT_13: (OP) 2007/06/06 05:31:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_55: (OP) 2007/06/06 05:36:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_EXIT_14: (OP) 2007/06/06 05:41:00 > SSQ SSQ_28: XRT_NGT_EXIT (6D52051752DF/005F) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_55: (OP) 2007/06/06 05:42:00 ESQ End of sequence > SEQ Synoptic_four_filters: (OP) 2007/06/06 05:59:54_00 I&T OBSTITLE: Synoptic I&T TARGET: FS I&T SCI_OBJ: FS, SYN I&T OBS_DEC: Synpptic - Al/mesh (181/4096) + Al/poly (512/4096) + thin-Be (1024/8192) + Ti/poly (512/4096) + Dark Cal (8192) - 6min program I&T JOIN_SB: X XRT MDP_XRT_CTRL_MANU N :01:38_00 XRT XRT_FOCUS_POSITION -86 N XOB FAD6790D2E93/13A6 (Normal) P XRT MDP_XRT_FLD_DIS N XRT MDP_XRT_FLRCTRL_DIS N XRT MDP_XRT_ARS_DIS N XRT MDP_XRT_CTRL_AUTO N ESQ End of sequence > PT : ORe-point Start: Track 0, Offsets (arcsec) (0.0, 0.0) (OP) 2007/06/06 06:00:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_56: (OP) 2007/06/06 06:09:30 ESQ End of sequence > SEQ AR_10960#_3: (OP) 2007/06/06 06:09:54_00 I&T OBSTITLE: Active region tracking across disk I&T TARGET: AR I&T SCI_OBJ: AR, FS, SS, XBP I&T OBS_DEC: AR - Microflares & Topology - Al/mesh, Ti/Poly, Thick-Al, G-band (512FOV) - Ti-poly context (8s_Q92-35p compression) - AEC123-4 I&T JOIN_SB: X XRT MDP_XRT_CTRL_MANU P :01:38_00 XRT XRT_FOCUS_POSITION -361 P XOB 35867095EF4B/13A7 (Normal) P XOB 35867095EF4B/13A7 (Flare) P XRT MDP_XRT_AEC_RESET P XRT MDP_XRT_ARS_DIS P XRT MDP_XRT_FLD_ENA P XRT MDP_XRT_FLRCTRL_DIS P XRT MDP_XRT_CTRL_AUTO P ESQ End of sequence > PT : ORe-point Start: Track 4, Offsets (arcsec) (-298.4, -99.8) (OP) 2007/06/06 06:10:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_56: (OP) 2007/06/06 06:15:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_57: (OP) 2007/06/06 06:25:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_57: (OP) 2007/06/06 06:31:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_ENTRY_14: (OP) 2007/06/06 06:43:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_58: (OP) 2007/06/06 06:59:00 ESQ End of sequence > SSQ SSQ_74: XRT_NGT_ENTRY (111374DF60F1/005E) 2007/06/06 06:56:30_00 ESQ End of sequence v EXT XRT_NGT_ENTRY_15: (OP) 2007/06/06 07:01:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_58: (OP) 2007/06/06 07:04:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_EXIT_14: (OP) 2007/06/06 07:08:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_59: (OP) 2007/06/06 07:14:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_EXIT_15: (OP) 2007/06/06 07:19:30 > SSQ SSQ_30: XRT_NGT_EXIT (6D52051752DF/005F) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_59: (OP) 2007/06/06 07:20:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_60: (OP) 2007/06/06 07:48:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_60: (OP) 2007/06/06 07:54:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_61: (OP) 2007/06/06 08:04:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_61: (OP) 2007/06/06 08:09:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_ENTRY_15: (OP) 2007/06/06 08:23:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_62: (OP) 2007/06/06 08:37:30 ESQ End of sequence > SSQ SSQ_75: XRT_NGT_ENTRY (111374DF60F1/005E) 2007/06/06 08:35:00_00 ESQ End of sequence v EXT XRT_NGT_ENTRY_16: (OP) 2007/06/06 08:40:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_62: (OP) 2007/06/06 08:43:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_EXIT_15: (OP) 2007/06/06 08:46:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_63: (OP) 2007/06/06 08:53:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_EXIT_16: (OP) 2007/06/06 08:58:00 > SSQ SSQ_32: XRT_NGT_EXIT (6D52051752DF/005F) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_63: (OP) 2007/06/06 08:59:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_64: (OP) 2007/06/06 09:26:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_64: (OP) 2007/06/06 09:32:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_65: (OP) 2007/06/06 09:42:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_65: (OP) 2007/06/06 09:48:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_ENTRY_16: (OP) 2007/06/06 10:03:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_66: (OP) 2007/06/06 10:16:00 ESQ End of sequence > SSQ SSQ_76: XRT_NGT_ENTRY (111374DF60F1/005E) 2007/06/06 10:13:30_00 ESQ End of sequence v EXT XRT_NGT_ENTRY_17: (OP) 2007/06/06 10:18:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_EXIT_16: (OP) 2007/06/06 10:20:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_66: (OP) 2007/06/06 10:21:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_OPPLN_PROHIBIT: (OP) 2007/06/06 10:23:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_OPPLN_PERMIT: (OP) 2007/06/06 10:28:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_67: (OP) 2007/06/06 10:31:30 ESQ End of sequence v EXT XRT_NGT_EXIT_17: (OP) 2007/06/06 10:36:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_67: (OP) 2007/06/06 10:37:30 ESQ End of sequence > SSQ Backup: Synoptics_Open+Al/Mesh (181/4096-ms) - Backup_period + IT's (CB82721B7CC6/005C) 2007/06/06 10:37 ESQ End of sequence > PT : ORe-point Start: Track 0, Offsets (arcsec) (0.0, 0.0) (OP) 2007/06/06 10:38:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_68: (OP) 2007/06/06 11:05:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_68: (OP) 2007/06/06 11:11:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_69: (OP) 2007/06/06 11:21:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_69: (OP) 2007/06/06 11:26:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_70: (OP) 2007/06/06 11:54:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_ENTRY_18: (OP) 2007/06/06 11:57:00 > SSQ SSQ_35: XRT_NGT_ENTRY (111374DF60F1/005E) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_70: (OP) 2007/06/06 12:00:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_71: (OP) 2007/06/06 12:10:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_EXIT_18: (OP) 2007/06/06 12:15:00 > SSQ SSQ_36: XRT_NGT_EXIT (6D52051752DF/005F) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_71: (OP) 2007/06/06 12:16:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_72: (OP) 2007/06/06 12:43:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_72: (OP) 2007/06/06 12:49:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_73: (OP) 2007/06/06 12:59:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_73: (OP) 2007/06/06 13:05:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_74: (OP) 2007/06/06 13:33:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_ENTRY_19: (OP) 2007/06/06 13:35:30 > SSQ SSQ_37: XRT_NGT_ENTRY (111374DF60F1/005E) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_74: (OP) 2007/06/06 13:38:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_75: (OP) 2007/06/06 13:48:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_EXIT_19: (OP) 2007/06/06 13:53:30 > SSQ SSQ_38: XRT_NGT_EXIT (6D52051752DF/005F) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_75: (OP) 2007/06/06 13:54:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_76: (OP) 2007/06/06 14:22:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_76: (OP) 2007/06/06 14:28:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_77: (OP) 2007/06/06 14:38:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_77: (OP) 2007/06/06 14:43:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_78: (OP) 2007/06/06 15:11:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_ENTRY_20: (OP) 2007/06/06 15:14:00 > SSQ SSQ_39: XRT_NGT_ENTRY (111374DF60F1/005E) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_78: (OP) 2007/06/06 15:17:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_79: (OP) 2007/06/06 15:27:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_ENTRY_17: (OP) 2007/06/06 15:29:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_EXIT_20: (OP) 2007/06/06 15:32:00 > SSQ SSQ_40: XRT_NGT_EXIT (6D52051752DF/005F) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_79: (OP) 2007/06/06 15:33:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_EXIT_17: (OP) 2007/06/06 15:41:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_80: (OP) 2007/06/06 16:00:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_80: (OP) 2007/06/06 16:06:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_81: (OP) 2007/06/06 16:16:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_81: (OP) 2007/06/06 16:22:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_82: (OP) 2007/06/06 16:50:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_ENTRY_21: (OP) 2007/06/06 16:52:30 > SSQ SSQ_41: XRT_NGT_ENTRY (111374DF60F1/005E) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_82: (OP) 2007/06/06 16:55:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_ENTRY_18: (OP) 2007/06/06 17:04:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_83: (OP) 2007/06/06 17:05:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_EXIT_21: (OP) 2007/06/06 17:11:00 > SSQ SSQ_42: XRT_NGT_EXIT (6D52051752DF/005F) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_83: (OP) 2007/06/06 17:11:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_EXIT_18: (OP) 2007/06/06 17:28:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_84: (OP) 2007/06/06 17:39:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_84: (OP) 2007/06/06 17:45:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_85: (OP) 2007/06/06 17:55:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_85: (OP) 2007/06/06 18:00:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_86: (OP) 2007/06/06 18:28:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_ENTRY_22: (OP) 2007/06/06 18:31:00 > SSQ SSQ_43: XRT_NGT_ENTRY (111374DF60F1/005E) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_86: (OP) 2007/06/06 18:34:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_ENTRY_19: (OP) 2007/06/06 18:42:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_87: (OP) 2007/06/06 18:44:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_EXIT_22: (OP) 2007/06/06 18:49:30 > SSQ SSQ_44: XRT_NGT_EXIT (6D52051752DF/005F) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_87: (OP) 2007/06/06 18:50:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_EXIT_19: (OP) 2007/06/06 19:05:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_88: (OP) 2007/06/06 19:17:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_88: (OP) 2007/06/06 19:23:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_89: (OP) 2007/06/06 19:33:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_89: (OP) 2007/06/06 19:39:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_90: (OP) 2007/06/06 20:07:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_ENTRY_23: (OP) 2007/06/06 20:09:30 > SSQ SSQ_45: XRT_NGT_ENTRY (111374DF60F1/005E) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_90: (OP) 2007/06/06 20:12:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_ENTRY_20: (OP) 2007/06/06 20:19:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_91: (OP) 2007/06/06 20:22:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_EXIT_23: (OP) 2007/06/06 20:28:00 > SSQ SSQ_46: XRT_NGT_EXIT (6D52051752DF/005F) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_91: (OP) 2007/06/06 20:28:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_EXIT_20: (OP) 2007/06/06 20:42:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_92: (OP) 2007/06/06 20:56:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_92: (OP) 2007/06/06 21:02:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_93: (OP) 2007/06/06 21:12:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_93: (OP) 2007/06/06 21:17:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_94: (OP) 2007/06/06 21:45:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_ENTRY_24: (OP) 2007/06/06 21:48:00 > SSQ SSQ_47: XRT_NGT_ENTRY (111374DF60F1/005E) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_94: (OP) 2007/06/06 21:51:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_ENTRY_21: (OP) 2007/06/06 21:56:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_95: (OP) 2007/06/06 22:01:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_EXIT_24: (OP) 2007/06/06 22:06:30 > SSQ SSQ_48: XRT_NGT_EXIT (6D52051752DF/005F) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_95: (OP) 2007/06/06 22:07:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_EXIT_21: (OP) 2007/06/06 22:19:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_96: (OP) 2007/06/06 22:34:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_96: (OP) 2007/06/06 22:40:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_97: (OP) 2007/06/06 22:50:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_97: (OP) 2007/06/06 22:56:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_98: (OP) 2007/06/06 23:24:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_ENTRY_25: (OP) 2007/06/06 23:26:30 > SSQ SSQ_49: XRT_NGT_ENTRY (111374DF60F1/005E) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_98: (OP) 2007/06/06 23:29:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_ENTRY_22: (OP) 2007/06/06 23:34:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_99: (OP) 2007/06/06 23:39:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_EXIT_25: (OP) 2007/06/06 23:45:00 > SSQ SSQ_50: XRT_NGT_EXIT (6D52051752DF/005F) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_99: (OP) 2007/06/06 23:45:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_EXIT_22: (OP) 2007/06/06 23:53:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_100: (OP) 2007/06/07 00:13:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_100: (OP) 2007/06/07 00:19:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_101: (OP) 2007/06/07 00:29:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_101: (OP) 2007/06/07 00:34:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_102: (OP) 2007/06/07 01:02:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_ENTRY_26: (OP) 2007/06/07 01:05:00 > SSQ SSQ_51: XRT_NGT_ENTRY (111374DF60F1/005E) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_102: (OP) 2007/06/07 01:08:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_ENTRY_23: (OP) 2007/06/07 01:11:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_103: (OP) 2007/06/07 01:18:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_EXIT_23: (OP) 2007/06/07 01:18:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_EXIT_26: (OP) 2007/06/07 01:23:30 > SSQ SSQ_52: XRT_NGT_EXIT (6D52051752DF/005F) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_103: (OP) 2007/06/07 01:24:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_104: (OP) 2007/06/07 01:51:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_104: (OP) 2007/06/07 01:57:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_105: (OP) 2007/06/07 02:07:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_105: (OP) 2007/06/07 02:13:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_ENTRY_24: (OP) 2007/06/07 02:34:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_106: (OP) 2007/06/07 02:41:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_ENTRY_27: (OP) 2007/06/07 02:43:30 > SSQ SSQ_53: XRT_NGT_ENTRY (111374DF60F1/005E) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_106: (OP) 2007/06/07 02:46:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_EXIT_24: (OP) 2007/06/07 02:53:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_107: (OP) 2007/06/07 02:56:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_EXIT_27: (OP) 2007/06/07 03:02:00 > SSQ SSQ_54: XRT_NGT_EXIT (6D52051752DF/005F) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_107: (OP) 2007/06/07 03:02:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_108: (OP) 2007/06/07 03:30:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_108: (OP) 2007/06/07 03:36:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_109: (OP) 2007/06/07 03:46:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_109: (OP) 2007/06/07 03:51:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_ENTRY_25: (OP) 2007/06/07 04:06:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_110: (OP) 2007/06/07 04:19:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_ENTRY_28: (OP) 2007/06/07 04:22:00 > SSQ SSQ_55: XRT_NGT_ENTRY (111374DF60F1/005E) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_110: (OP) 2007/06/07 04:25:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_EXIT_25: (OP) 2007/06/07 04:31:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_111: (OP) 2007/06/07 04:35:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_EXIT_28: (OP) 2007/06/07 04:40:30 > SSQ SSQ_56: XRT_NGT_EXIT (6D52051752DF/005F) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_111: (OP) 2007/06/07 04:41:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_112: (OP) 2007/06/07 05:08:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_112: (OP) 2007/06/07 05:14:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_113: (OP) 2007/06/07 05:24:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_113: (OP) 2007/06/07 05:30:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_ENTRY_26: (OP) 2007/06/07 05:41:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_114: (OP) 2007/06/07 05:58:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_ENTRY_29: (OP) 2007/06/07 06:00:30 > SSQ SSQ_57: XRT_NGT_ENTRY (111374DF60F1/005E) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_114: (OP) 2007/06/07 06:03:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_EXIT_26: (OP) 2007/06/07 06:08:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_115: (OP) 2007/06/07 06:13:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_EXIT_29: (OP) 2007/06/07 06:19:00 > SSQ SSQ_58: XRT_NGT_EXIT (6D52051752DF/005F) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_115: (OP) 2007/06/07 06:19:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_116: (OP) 2007/06/07 06:47:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_116: (OP) 2007/06/07 06:53:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_117: (OP) 2007/06/07 07:03:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_117: (OP) 2007/06/07 07:08:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_ENTRY_27: (OP) 2007/06/07 07:21:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_118: (OP) 2007/06/07 07:36:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_ENTRY_30: (OP) 2007/06/07 07:39:00 > SSQ SSQ_59: XRT_NGT_ENTRY (111374DF60F1/005E) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_118: (OP) 2007/06/07 07:42:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_EXIT_27: (OP) 2007/06/07 07:46:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_119: (OP) 2007/06/07 07:52:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_NGT_EXIT_30: (OP) 2007/06/07 07:57:30 > SSQ SSQ_60: XRT_NGT_EXIT (6D52051752DF/005F) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_119: (OP) 2007/06/07 07:58:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_120: (OP) 2007/06/07 08:25:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_120: (OP) 2007/06/07 08:31:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_121: (OP) 2007/06/07 08:41:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_121: (OP) 2007/06/07 08:47:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_ENTRY_28: (OP) 2007/06/07 09:01:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_122: (OP) 2007/06/07 09:15:00 ESQ End of sequence v EXT XRT_NGT_ENTRY_31: (OP) 2007/06/07 09:17:30 > SSQ SSQ_61: XRT_NGT_ENTRY (111374DF60F1/005E) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_122: (OP) 2007/06/07 09:20:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_SAA_EXIT_28: (OP) 2007/06/07 09:22:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_123: (OP) 2007/06/07 09:30:30 ESQ End of sequence v EXT XRT_NGT_EXIT_31: (OP) 2007/06/07 09:36:00 > SSQ SSQ_62: XRT_NGT_EXIT (6D52051752DF/005F) ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_123: (OP) 2007/06/07 09:36:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_124: (OP) 2007/06/07 10:04:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_124: (OP) 2007/06/07 10:10:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_ENTRY_125: (OP) 2007/06/07 10:20:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_HLA_EXIT_125: (OP) 2007/06/07 10:25:30 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_OPPLN_PROHIBIT_2: (OP) 2007/06/07 10:28:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_OP_END: (OP) 2007/06/07 10:33:00 ESQ End of sequence > EXT XRT_PLN_END: (OP) 2007/06/07 10:33:00 ESQ End of sequence ESQ End of sequence