/* re-pointing and tracking schedule */ Fm: 2007/10/20 04:00:00 To: 2007/10/23 10:25:00 /* Date Time Tracking Offset-X Offset-Y */ /* (UT) Curve No. (deg) (deg) */ Latest re-pointing 2007/10/20 00:00:00 0 00.0000 00.0000 /* Format example, meaningless pointing information : */ AOCS Mem-Upload-01 2007/10/20 08:57:48 /* Memory upload : # */ ORe-point Start 2007/10/20 10:21:00 0 00.0000 00.0000 /* 0.0/ 0.0 : # OP start + 10min, synoptic, shifted manually. */ ORe-point Start 2007/10/20 10:31:00 1 00.0000 00.0000 /* 627.7/ -185.2 : * Tracking of old AR with Oslo */ ORe-point Start 2007/10/20 12:00:00 3 00.0000 -00.0389 /* 28.2/ -0.0 : # HOP 28, disk-center tracking; offset from track 3 */ ORe-point Start 2007/10/20 14:00:00 0 -00.2625 00.0000 /* 0.0/ 945.0 : * HOP 28, N pole */ ORe-point Start 2007/10/20 16:15:00 0 00.0000 00.0000 /* 0.0/ 0.0 : * Synoptic, shifted manually */ ORe-point Start 2007/10/20 16:25:00 3 00.0000 00.0000 /* -70.7/ -0.1 : * MgB seismology with MDI high-res, for 12+ hrs, Sun-center tracking with synoptic at 00:00:00 UT. */ ORe-point Start 2007/10/21 06:00:00 0 00.0000 00.0000 /* 0.0/ 0.0 : synoptic */ ORe-point Start 2007/10/21 06:10:00 2 00.0000 00.0000 /* -513.6/ -245.6 : # Track new AR */ ORe-point Start 2007/10/21 08:00:00 0 -00.2625 00.0000 /* 0.0/ 945.0 : * HOP 28, N pole */ ORe-point Start 2007/10/21 11:00:00 0 00.0000 00.0000 /* 0.0/ 0.0 : * Synoptic, shifted manually */ ORe-point Start 2007/10/21 11:10:00 0 00.0278 -00.2611 /* 940.0/ -100.0 : * Oslo, W limb */ ORe-point Start 2007/10/21 15:00:00 4 00.0000 00.0000 /* 0.0/ -0.1 : * HOP 28, disk-center tracking */ ORe-point Start 2007/10/21 16:59:00 0 00.0000 00.0000 /* 0.0/ 0.0 : * Synoptic, shifted manually */ ORe-point Start 2007/10/21 17:09:00 0 -00.1856 -00.1856 /* 668.2/ 668.2 : * SOT CN & Na scatt pol. (1 of 7) */ ORe-point Start 2007/10/21 18:00:00 0 -00.2625 00.0000 /* 0.0/ 945.0 : * Alignment offset pointing, N., and scall pol (2 of 7). */ ORe-point Start 2007/10/21 20:00:00 0 00.0000 00.2625 /* -945.0/ 0.0 : * Alignment offset pointing, E. until 22:00 UT, and then HOP 36 with Norikura. SOT scatt pol (3 of 7). */ ORe-point Start 2007/10/22 02:00:00 0 00.0000 00.0000 /* 0.0/ 0.0 : synoptic, shifted manually */ ORe-point Start 2007/10/22 02:10:00 0 -00.2347 00.0000 /* 0.0/ 845.0 : # SOT scatt pol (4 of 7). */ ORe-point Start 2007/10/22 02:50:00 0 -00.2069 00.0000 /* 0.0/ 745.0 : * SOT scatt pol (5 of 7). */ ORe-point Start 2007/10/22 03:30:00 0 -00.1792 00.0000 /* 0.0/ 645.0 : * SOT scatt pol (6 of 7). */ ORe-point Start 2007/10/22 04:10:00 0 -00.1514 00.0000 /* 0.0/ 545.0 : * HOP scatt pol (7 of 7). */ ORe-point Start 2007/10/22 05:00:00 0 00.0000 00.0000 /* 0.0/ 0.0 : synoptic, shifted manually */ ORe-point Start 2007/10/22 05:10:00 2 00.0000 00.0000 /* -324.6/ -253.4 : # Track new AR */ ORe-point Start 2007/10/22 08:00:00 0 00.0278 -00.2611 /* 940.0/ -100.0 : * Oslo, W limb */ ORe-point Start 2007/10/22 11:02:00 0 00.0000 00.0000 /* 0.0/ 0.0 : Backup plan */ /* End of re-pointing and tracking schedule */ /* AOCS Tracking Parameters before the memory upload */ TR_MEM_ID:01-200710190200-01 /* Track No. Ref-Time of Tracking Helio-long. Helio-lat. Rot. Rate */ /* Date Time(UT) (degree) (degree) (deg/sec) */ Track 1 2007/10/20 05:57:30 00.00 05.50 0.00015418 Track 2 2007/10/19 08:00:00 00.00 05.57 0.00015417 Track 3 2007/10/16 05:47:18 -06.01 -08.70 0.00015383 Track 4 2007/10/17 05:46:20 -10.55 04.89 0.00015423 /* New AOCS Tracking Parameters after the memory upload*/ TR_MEM_ID:01-200710200200-03 Fm: 2007/10/20 10:21:00 /* Track No. Ref-Time of Tracking Helio-long. Helio-lat. Rot. Rate */ /* Date Time(UT) (degree) (degree) (deg/sec) */ Track 1 2007/10/20 11:00:00 41.10 -06.91 0.00015405 Track 2 2007/10/18 20:53:00 -64.31 -10.16 0.00015362 Track 3 2007/10/21 00:00:00 00.00 05.44 0.00015418 Track 4 2007/10/21 15:00:00 00.00 05.38 0.00015419 /* End of Tracking Curve Information */