/* re-pointing and tracking schedule */ Fm: 2007/11/07 04:00:00 To: 2007/11/09 11:11:00 /* Date Time Tracking Offset-X Offset-Y */ /* (UT) Curve No. (deg) (deg) */ Latest re-pointing 2007/11/07 00:00:00 0 00.0000 00.0000 /* Format example, meaningless pointing information : */ AOCS Mem-Upload-01 2007/11/07 08:43:51 /* Memory upload : # */ ORe-point Start 2007/11/07 10:07:00 0 -00.2611 -00.0272 /* 98.0/ 940.0 : # OP start + 10min, N pole. */ ORe-point Start 2007/11/07 12:00:00 0 00.0000 00.0000 /* 0.0/ 0.0 : * Synoptic, shifted manually */ ORe-point Start 2007/11/07 12:10:00 0 -00.2611 -00.0272 /* 98.0/ 940.0 : * N pole; HOP 43, spicules, from 15:00 UT. */ ORe-point Start 2007/11/07 19:27:00 0 00.0000 00.0000 /* 0.0/ 0.0 : *Synoptic, shifted manually */ ORe-point Start 2007/11/07 19:37:00 0 -00.2611 -00.0272 /* 98.0/ 940.0 : * N pole */ ORe-point Start 2007/11/07 22:00:00 3 00.0000 00.0000 /* 557.9/ -444.2 : * Track on-disk CH */ ORe-point Start 2007/11/07 22:43:00 0 00.0000 00.0000 /* 0.0/ 0.0 : * Synoptic, shifted manually */ ORe-point Start 2007/11/07 22:53:00 3 00.0000 00.0000 /* 563.6/ -443.9 : * Cont. */ ORe-point Start 2007/11/08 05:00:00 2 00.0000 00.0000 /* -9.4/ -0.2 : * HOP 47 (until 9:00 UT), QS (no TOO AR), disk-center tracking. Synoptic at 6:00:00. */ ORe-point Start 2007/11/08 10:44:00 0 00.0000 00.0000 /* 0.0/ 0.0 : Backup plan */ /* End of re-pointing and tracking schedule */ /* AOCS Tracking Parameters before the memory upload */ TR_MEM_ID:01-200711060200-01 /* Track No. Ref-Time of Tracking Helio-long. Helio-lat. Rot. Rate */ /* Date Time(UT) (degree) (degree) (deg/sec) */ Track 1 2007/11/06 18:02:00 00.00 03.83 0.00015430 Track 2 2007/11/05 01:00:00 -31.50 09.93 0.00015366 Track 3 2007/11/02 03:23:29 -35.58 -24.36 0.00014962 Track 4 2007/11/07 01:14:00 00.00 03.80 0.00015430 /* New AOCS Tracking Parameters after the memory upload*/ TR_MEM_ID:01-200711070200-01 Fm: 2007/11/07 10:07:00 /* Track No. Ref-Time of Tracking Helio-long. Helio-lat. Rot. Rate */ /* Date Time(UT) (degree) (degree) (deg/sec) */ Track 1 2007/11/06 18:02:00 00.00 03.83 0.00015430 Track 2 2007/11/08 06:00:00 00.00 03.66 0.00015431 Track 3 2007/11/02 03:23:29 -35.58 -24.36 0.00014962 Track 4 2007/11/07 01:14:00 00.00 03.80 0.00015430 /* End of Tracking Curve Information */