Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

XRT E2E Test

Day 20050609 Shift A

Test Conductor E. DeLuca

Shift Scientists M. Weber & J. Scott

We proceeded with section 14 Focal Plane Transmissions. The throughput of the filters was measured relative to the open/open configuration. This was done for Al-K, C-K, O-K, and (the start of the) Mo-L X-ray sources (sections 14.1 to 14.4).

A table of the peak transmission rates for the completed source sets is shown here. Each dark-subtracted image maximum was divided by the exposure duration.

Peak transmission rates [DN/s]

SOURCE    |  Al-K  |  C-K  |  O-K  |

Open      |  1918  |  231  |  35.7  |
Al-Poly   |  1747  |  160  |  18.1  |
Al-Mesh   |  1430  |  143  |  15.0  |
C-Poly    |  1678  |  174  |  17.7  |
Ti-Poly   |  1356  |  144  |  27.1  |
Thin-Be   |  1429  |   -   |    -   |
Med-Be    |   772  |   -   |    -   |
Thick-Al  |   106  |   -   |    -   |
Med-Al    |   481  |   -   |    -   |
Thick-Be  |    -   |   -   |    -   |