XRT Operations --- Weekly Plans
- 2008/04/11
- 2008/04/04
- 2008/01/11
- 2008/01/04
- XOB List
- Monthly Events
- HOP list
- Current EIS Core Science PDF
Planned EIS/XRT
- HOP 67 One-Week Campaign #4: Quiet Sun (to occur on disk, near center)
- Request: Al_P & Ti_P 30s Cad, 384x384 FOV; Al_p, Be_thn context
- Al_p full sun 2x2 binned, Be_thn 768x384 context 30min
- HOP 68 ToO Active Regions
- HOP 69 ToO Equatorial Coronal Hole Studyt
- XOB 1493: "Full Sun Movie Ti/P + Al/P + MedBe 4x4 AEC123
- or XOBs 1491, 1492, 1494 full sun movies
- Quiet Sun Dynamics HOP 59
- EIS IUU_SLOT_148x400
- request to XRT: 256x512 images in a thin filter (C/P) and a thicker filter (Be_thin) at a cadence of 70s.
Recently Run
- QS Coronal Cavity HOP 56
- XOP: 1499 "Coronal Cavity - C/poly -768FOV- dark & Gband - AR in CCD"
- XOB: 1487 "AR DEM multi-filter program (verII) pls wide FOV 1.5m cadence ..."
- XOB: 149B "AR DEM Multi-filter program (verII) pls Wide FOV - 2min cadence ..."
- XOB: 149E "AR DEM Multi-filter program (verII) pls Wide FOV 2048x512 ..."
- AR High Cadence HOP 57
- XOB: 1495 "AR Al/P - ThinBe - Gband 512 60s cadence
- XOB: 1496 "AR Al/P - ThinBe - Gband 384FOV 30s cadence
- XOB: 149C "AR Al/P - ThinBe - Gband 512FOV 2min cadence
- AR High Cadence full FOV HOP 52
- XOB: 149F "AR Al/P - 10s cadence 2048FOV context HOP52
- XOB: 14A0 "AR Al/P - 20s cadence 2048FOV context HOP52
- AR High Cadence EIS Flows - HOP 58
- XOB: 14A2 "AR Ti/P - 15s cadence Al/P + C/P + ThinBe 512FOV Matching EIS FOV HOP58
Targets of Opportunity
- Targets of Opportunity: Active Region - non-flaring
- Flows near disk center highest priority
- Targets of Opportunity: Active Region - Flaring/CME
- XRT - Cirtain please suggest
Engineering/Calibration/Multi-Filter Synoptics
- Weekly 3.5hr Calibration/Synoptic
- XOB: 149D "Semi-Synoptic 2048x1536 xc1024, yc768 - multi-filter FW1/FW2
- XOB: 146F "CCD Calibration: Dark & Diffuser" (Saved Sequence; SSQ-0069)
- G-Band Alignment - NOT DONE?
- XOB: 13DA "G-Band Alignmant North...."
- XOB: 13DB "G-Band Alignment East...."
- XOB: 148A "G-Banr ALignment West...."
- XOB: 1489 "G-Band Alignment South...."
- Compression Test - Not needed?
- For an hour or two run with several different compresstion levels
- Pre-filter Check
- NEED an XOB - last done with op-commands
- General comment: If there is an EIS program that is not covered here
please refer to the Current EIS Core document above to see if there is an
XRT team member associated with it. COs should feel comfortable asking for
assistance in those cases.
LAST YEAR - 2007