; This tutorial illustrates how to use a simple XRT DEM solver in ; SolarSoft IDL. It assumed that SSWIDL and the XRT instrument ; tree is installed locally and on the path. ; ; Every XRT program header includes documentation explaining ; its usage. ; =========================================================================== ; There is a program called , which may be used ; to generate a set of XRT observations from a DEM(T) curve. ; (See that program for an explanation of its usage.) ; ; We can use these faux observations to illustrate the usage of ; the solver, since you can compare the "real" original DEM ; against the estimated DEM. Here is a simple tutorial using both ; programs. First, create a simple DEM curve. ; IDL> demt = findgen(26)*0.1 + 5.5 ;; Temps are logarithms. ; IDL> dem = demt * 0 ; IDL> dem[15] = 1.3e22 ; IDL> print, demt[15] ; 7.00000 ; IDL> wdef, 0, 1000 ; IDL> plot, demt, dem, psym=10, /ytype, yr=[1e20,1e23] ; ; Now generate the set of observations XRT would see. ; IDL> obs = xrt_dem2obs(demt, dem) ; IDL> help, obs ;; 14 XRT channels ; OBS STRUCT = -> Array[14] ; IDL> help, obs[0], /st ; ** Structure <26648d4>, 3 tags, length=28, data length=28, refs=1: ; CHANNEL_NAME STRING 'Al-mesh' ; OBS FLOAT 8344.32 ; OBS_UNITS STRING 'DN s^-1 pix^-1' ; ; Just to be clear, prepare input variables for the solver. ; IDL> obs_val = obs.obs ; IDL> obs_index = obs.channel_name ; IDL> help, obs_index, obs_val ; OBS_INDEX STRING = Array[14] ; OBS_VAL DOUBLE = Array[14] ; ; Here are the legitimate values for OBS_INDEX (for the default ; temperature responses). These should be matched to the channel ; name of the respective observation value. For a given set of ; observations for which a DEM will be estimated, a given channel ; should be represented only once. It is not necessary to ; have all channels represented, but there should be at least 3. ; Al-mesh ; Al-poly ; C-poly ; Ti-poly ; Be-thin ; Be-med ; Al-med ; Al-thick ; Be-thick ; Al-poly/Al-mesh ; Al-poly/Ti-poly ; Al-poly/Al-thick ; Al-poly/Be-thick ; C-poly/Ti-poly ; ; If you were starting from real data, you would put it ; into the format of OBS_INDEX and OBS_VAL. The header for ; provides more details about this. ; ; Run the solver. ; IDL> xrt_dem_iterative, obs_index, obs_val, logT_out, dem_out ; IDL> help, logT_out, dem_out ; LOGT_OUT FLOAT = Array[26] ; DEM_OUT DOUBLE = Array[26] ; ; Overplot the solution. ; IDL> oplot, logT_out, dem_out, psym=10, linesty=2