Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

XRT E2E Test

Day 20050611 Shift A

Test Conductor B. Podgorski

Shift Scientists J. Cirtain & M. Cosmo

Shift Report

Core PSF with Temperature Gradient Around Mirror

This subtest, numbered 18 in the as-run procedure, was initially designed to produce a temperature gradient around the mirror's cicumference. The procedure called for a temperature of 10 C for this test but it was decided to instead operate at 15 C. This was required since the heaters were saturating and incapable of setting up the required gradient. The temperature gradient was achieved late during shift A and the test completed. We were able to complete the anaysis of the PSF RSS sigma widths as a function of focus position, and the best focus position was found to be 12 um from the previous BF position (-515 um to -503 um). This is within the error in the measurement (of order 40 um), so the telescope is insensitive to the temperature gradient.