The above Figure is a video comparing XRT Be-thin, MinXSS-1, SDO AIA 171 Å and GOES XRS 1 - 8 Å data.
Top left panel shows the MinXSS-1 X123 derived photon energy flux from photon energies greater than 1 keV at 1 AU
(in mks units - W m-2). Also in the top left panel are GOES XRS 1 - 8 Å energy flux (W m-2),
XRT Be-thin (scaled for display purposes) data rate (DN s-1 sr-1), and the SDO AIA 171 Å
(scaled for display purposes) data rate (DN s-1 sr-1). The MinXSS-1 photon spectral flux is
displayed in the top right panel. The bottom left panel contains the AIA 171 Å images and the
bottom right the XRT Be-thin images. These data are the closest in time with the Hinode XRT
Be-thin full Sun synoptic program (roughly two images per day) over the MinXSS-1 mission.
Aside from noisy MinXSS-1 data points, the data trend well with the XRT Be-thin, GOES 1 - 8
Å flux, and the subtle variations in the AIA 171 Å data.
To learn more, please read the MinXSS Science Nugget.
Keywords: AIA
Filters: Be-thin, AIA 171 Å