XRT Picture of the Week (XPOW)

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2022 November 28

AR13110 Events

An M1.6 flare and smaller flares following from AR13110. Click on the image for the movie or
click here for the youtube version.

Last Gasp of AR13110

In October 2022, the solar acitivity was elevated for the first 6 days, as seen in this GOES/XRS plot. This high activity was mainly brought by AR13110, which produced 7 M-class and one X-class flares during its disk passage.

Unfortunately, XRT was observing another active region (AR13112) located close to the East limb until 10/4 and thus AR13110 and its most significant activities were outside of XRT's field of view.

On 10/4, XRT switched the target region to AR11310 and barely captured an M1.6 flare and the following several C-class events, as demonstrated in the above movie. It's the last huff-and-puff from this region before sinking behind the limb.

Keywords: Flare, Limb
Filters: Al_Poly

(Prepared by Aki Takeda)

The XRT instrument team is comprised of SAO, NASA, JAXA, and NAOJ.

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