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xrt_co: eis_co: sot_co: SPD membershiop renewals


  If foreign affiliate members of the SPD need to have their memberships
renewed before the meeting. I can send a check to cover the costs, and
collect from people at the meeting. The fee is $20.

  If there are people attending the meeting who are not yet  
affiliates, Leon and I
can sponsor your membership. The affiliate requirements are lists on:

  This offer is open to foreign members of the Hinode team.


       Dr. Edward E. DeLuca           Smithsonian Astrophysical  
       edeluca@cfa.harvard.edu     MS 58
Office 617 496 7725                     60 Garden Street
Fax     617 496 7577                     Cambridge, MA  02138
Cell    508 728 5424                     USA