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Fwd: Next Meeting of the SSCs

Please forward HOP requests to Leon or Shibasaki san for  
consideration by the SSC.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Davis, John M. (MSFC-VP62)" <John.M.Davis@nasa.gov>
> Date: January 16, 2009 3:57:21 PM EST
> To: "Tetsuya Watanabe" <watanabe.tetsuya@nao.ac.jp>, "Shibasaki  
> Kiyoto" <shibasak@nro.nao.ac.jp>, "Golub Leon"  
> <golub@head.cfa.harvard.edu>, "Tom Berger" <berger@lmsal.com>,  
> "Mariska, John" <mariska@nrl.navy.mil>, "Takashi Sekii"  
> <sekii@solar.mtk.nao.ac.jp>, "Len Culhane" <jlc@mssl.ucl.ac.uk>,  
> "Shimizu Toshifumi" <shimizu@solar.isas.jaxa.jp>, "Deluca Ed"  
> <deluca@head.cfa.harvard.edu>, "Tarbell Ted" <tarbell@lmsal.com>,  
> "Doschek, George" <gdoschek@ssd5.nrl.navy.mil>, "Harra Louise K"  
> <lkh@mssl.ucl.ac.uk>, "Tsuneta Saku" <saku.tsuneta@nao.ac.jp>,  
> "Taro Sakao" <sakao@solar.isas.jaxa.jp>, "Kelly Korreck"  
> <kkorreck@cfa.harvard.edu>
> Cc: "Cobb, Barbara J. (MSFC-VP52)" <barbara.cobb@nasa.gov>,  
> "Cirtain, Jonathan W. (MSFC-VP62)" <jonathan.w.cirtain@nasa.gov>,  
> "Pevtsov, Alexei A. (HQ-DJ000)" <alexei.a.pevtsov@nasa.gov>,  
> "Sterling, Alphonse C. (MSFC-VP62)" <alphonse.sterling@nasa.gov>
> Subject: Next Meeting of the SSCs
> Members and Friends of the SSCs,
> Please find attached the Minutes of the 23rd Meeting of the SSCs.
> The next (24th) meeting of the SSCs is  scheduled for 7:00 AM JST  
> on January 22, 2009 (January 21st in Europe and the US).
> The provisional agenda for the 24th Meeting is:
>                             a.    Program Status - a brief review  
> of the status of each instrument and  any  restrictions
>                                    on observations.
>                             b.    Review of the proposals received  
> and scheduling of the requested observations.
>  c.    Establish the date for the next meeting and any other business.
> Please  send me any additions to the agenda and let us know if you  
> or your representative cannot participate.
> We will use the same call in number that we have been using, which  
> for US participants is:
>             866-692-3582 and the pass code is 7733352#
> The call in number for Japanese participants is:
>            Japan  0044-22-132424 (Toll Free) or 81-3-5539-5187  
> (Toll) and the pass code is 7733352#
> Sincerely,
> John Davis
