XRT Picture of the Week (XPOW)

XRT Home XRT Mission Ops YouTube

2009 February 11

CME initiation (click on image to see movie)
This full Sun movie shows an XRT observation of the starting phase of a coronal mass ejection, which shows up in STEREO data about one hour later (the event starts around 23 UT on 2009/02/10). The core of the active region is saturated, but the weak emission from the fast moving ejecta can clearly be seen on the East limb (left) of the Sun. Note that the diffuse, wedge shaped emission that is seen at the end of the movie is due to stray light from the X-ray mirror and the bright core of the active region is due to CCD saturation. Therefore both artifacts in the movie are not of solar origin.

[filter: Medium beryllium, 256x256, 8x8 binning, 12s exposure time]

Keywords: CME, Flare, Full Disk
Filters: Be_med

(Prepared by Paolo C. Grigis)

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