> XRT Picture of the Week (XPOW)

XRT Picture of the Week (XPOW)

XRT Home XRT Mission Ops

2009 March 14

Filament erupts and XRT sees post eruption loops (click on image to see movie)
The above movies show the evolution of the solar corona over 15 hours near the north pole of the sun in two filters (Al_poly left, Ti_poly right). The limb of the sun is visible at the top of the image. Dark regions on the disk of the sun show areas where the sun's magnetic field extends into space. Small bright regions (called X-Ray Bright Points) are associated with compact magnetic fields. The intermediate areas show plasma trapped in larger closed magnetic fields in the so-called quiet sun. As the movie runs you will see numerous jets in the polar region and around frame 320 a bright line of loops forms near the middle of the FOV. This is likely to be the result of a polar crown filament that erupted. The arch of loops is similar in shape and duration to those seen after large flares, because they result from the same underlying physical process: the closing down of magnetic field lines after an eruption. Question for the viewer: Are the post eruption loops overlying the filament channel or are they only on near side?

Keywords: Filament, CME, Quiet Sun, Post-Flare Loops
Filters: Al_poly Ti_poly

(Prepared by Ed DeLuca)

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