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RE: eis_co: EIS/XRT movie on ftp site

Thanks Loraine and David,


A brilliant movie! I hope Shibata-san was duly impressed and grateful when you showed it at the Sunday workshop!






-----Original Message-----
From: Loraine Lundquist [mailto:llundquist@cfa.harvard.edu]
Sent: 06 February 2007 08:14
To: eis_co; xrt science; Len Culhane; Louise Harra; George Doschek; David Brooks
Subject: eis_co: EIS/XRT movie on ftp site


Dear all,


Interested parties may find the combined EIS-XRT movie made by Brooks and Lundquist on the following ftp site:



The movie will only be available for a couple of days, so get it while it lasts.





Loraine Lundquist, Ph.D.

Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

60 Garden St., MS-58, Cambridge, MA 02138

(+1) 617-496-7964 (US)

(+81) 090-6569-9964 (Japan)
