xrt_science Mail List Archive, by Thread
- Subscribe,
Jonathan Cirtain
- <no subject>,
Jonathan Cirtain
- XRT webpage,
- Best of XRT,
- GOES13-data,
jonathan cirtain
- list members,
jonathan cirtain
- Fwd: funeral ceremony,
Loraine Lundquist
- Fwd: XRT (and EIS?) obs of stars,
Loraine Lundquist
- New high-latitude AR,
David McKenzie
- Space Weather conference,
jonathan cirtain
- Polar plume workshop Feb. 4th at ISAS in Japan,
Loraine Lundquist
- eis_co: EIS/XRT movie on ftp site,
Loraine Lundquist
- eis_co: Agenda for Hinode Flare Workshop (Dec 13th X class), March. 3rd at NAOJ in Japan,
Shinsuke Imada
- test,
Jonathan Cirtain
- reminder: use only files formatted with version 1.24,
Loraine Lundquist
- Hawaii meeting presentations,
Edward DeLuca
- [Fwd: Plate Scale for Hinode/XRT],
Bish ishibashi
- [Fwd: Hinode XRT Plate Scale],
Leon Golub
- [Fwd: Re: [Fwd: [Fwd: Plate Scale for Hinode/XRT]]],
Leon Golub
- Re: ?Xrt Tadpoles?,
Kelly Korreck
- xrt_co: Slides for SPD talk,
Ed Deluca
- active region birth/death?,
Loraine Lundquist
- [Fwd: 3D STEREO movies],
Leon Golub
- XRT Analysis Guide,
Monica Bobra
- Fwd: solar-b diffraction,
Ed Deluca
- Questions about HOP014,
Edward DeLuca
- SPD XRT presentations.,
Mark Weber
- 1st results acknowledgements,
Ed Deluca
- Hinode groups webpages?,
Mark Weber
- Hinode PASJ and Science papers.,
Mark Weber
- Fwd: Fall AGU sessions,
Edward DeLuca
- New XPOW.,
Mark Weber
- Re: Draft agenda for GMU, 30th to 31st October,
Ed Deluca
- xrt_co: - XRT shirt order,
Ed Deluca
- xrt_co: - Fwd: Special A&A Letters issue for Hinode,
Edward DeLuca
- xrt_co: - Fwd: GMU draft agenda,
Ed Deluca
- xrt_co: - Fwd: AGU meeting Hinode presentations,
Ed Deluca
- xrt_co: EIS/XRT meeting at GMU,
Ed Deluca
- Fwd: [xrt_co:02143] DC Meeting agenda 30th-31st October (xrt_co: eis_co:),
Ed Deluca
- xrt_co: - XRT EIS joint meeting 31-Oct, 1-Nov,
Ed Deluca
- Re: [xrt_co:02576] Re: eis_co: xrt_co: EIS Core Team Observations for the Week Beginning 9th November and Beyond,
Kelly Korreck
- Re: [xrt_co:02713] xrt_co: - Whole Heliospheric Interval study - input for XRT obervations,
kathy reeves
- XRT Observation search tool,
David McKenzie
- xrt_co: - Fwd: Publications submitted in the last three months,
Ed Deluca
- [xrt_co:00000] request for adding a new user,
Bish ishibashi
- New XPOW: Mystery Jet.,
Mark Weber
- XPOW: Candle flame.,
Mark Weber
- xrt_co: - Press releases at AGU,
Edward DeLuca
- xrt_co: - Cycle 24 meeting Dec 7-12 '08,
Ed Deluca
- xrt_co: eis_co: sot_co: SPD membershiop renewals,
Ed Deluca
- A fine picture from Paolo - Fwd: new XRT picture of the week: a quiet Sun sigmoid,
Ed Deluca
- XRT pictures for NASA Calendar - Fwd: Call for images,
Edward DeLuca
- xrt_co: - Draft proposal,
Ed Deluca
- Re: [xrt_co:05689] xrt_co: Hinode flare mode observation: issues, scenarios and ideas (xrt_co:),
Cirtain, Jonathan W. (MSFC-VP62)
- Usage of XRT email lists.,
Mark Weber
- xrt_co: - Meetings at Hinode2,
Edward DeLuca
- Fwd: A new XPOW is added [xrt_co:],
Mark Weber
- xrt_co: - Draft meeting schedule,
Edward DeLuca
- New XRT response software. [xrt_co:],
Mark Weber
- Good Tuesday Morning,
- Good Thursday Afternoon,
- Fwd:[xrt_co:00000] deriving spectra of hot unresolved plasma,
Mark Weber
- Fwd: [xrt_co:06725] software to estimate the contaminant on CCD (xrt_co:),
Mark Weber
- xrt_co: - XRT team/science meeting,
Ed Deluca
- Fwd: Next Meeting of the SSCs,
Ed Deluca
- xrt_co: New XPOW: New Year's Transient Sigmoid,
kathy reeves
- xrt_co: New XRT Picture of the Week: Jet with Cusp Structure,
kathy reeves
- xrt_co: New XPOW: Shrinking Arch,
kathy reeves
- xrt_co: new XRT picture of the week: CME,
Paolo Grigis
- New list of vital XRT references on website.,
Mark Weber
- xrt_co: Hinode/XRT team meeting - Room Reservations,
Ed Deluca
- xrt_co: - XRT science meeting Room Reservations,
Ed Deluca
- Preliminary schedule of science talks for XRT Team meeting,
kathy reeves
- xrt_co: - Reception - link for credit card payment,
Ed Deluca
- xrt_co: - Fwd: Snapview now show more recent data,
Ed Deluca
- xrt_co: xrt.cfa.harvard.edu,
kathy reeves
- New XPOW,
kathy reeves
- updated XRT CCD contamination layer files,
Steve Saar
- New update to <xrt_prep.pro> and related programs,
Steve Saar
- xrt_co: Note about XRT flare mode keywords,
kathy reeves
- xrt_co: New XRT calibration released,
kathy reeves
- Announcing Student Travel Grants for the Hinode 5 Meeting,
kathy reeves
- xrt_co: eis_co: sot_co: DEADLINE EXTENDED: Announcing Student Travel Grants for the Hinode 5 Meeting,
kathy reeves
- xrt_co: eis_co: sot_co: Hinode 5 Registration now open!,
kathy reeves
- Hinode 5 abstract deadline extended to August 15,
kathy reeves
- XRT E&PO DVD now available upon request.,
Weber Mark
- Note that Hinode-6 deadline is approaching.,
Weber Mark
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