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Re: ?Xrt Tadpoles?

 	I'd like to talk to you about this work, since there may be 
overlap.  In short, Sabrina's SPD *poster* project may give you a 
head-start on the analysis.  As for RHESSI and magnetosphere-ionosphere 
studies, that's similar to some of our interests--can I call you on Monday 
to talk about it?  What's a good phone number and time to reach you?


On Fri, 11 May 2007, Kelly Korreck wrote:

> Hi Sabrina,
> Very nice movie!! Why I asked about this is that I have been
> approached by Li-Jen Chen at UNH about the research.  We have a group
> here in the area- New England Space Science Consortium (NESSC) that is
> writing up several papers on comparative physics in the magnetosphere
> versus the sun.  She works in
> the magnetosphere and have seen- excuse the expression- tadpole like
> structures that end up connected with electron acceleration as magnetic
> islands.  She asked if I could look at the XRT data and coordinate Rhessi
> data to see if the phenomena in the sun in similar.
> I of course do not want to interfer with your thesis work but would like
> to explore this topic.
> Let me know what you think,
> Kelly
> On Thu, 10 May 2007, Sabrina Savage wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> On short notice, I do have an example movie of some sharpened supra-arcade downflows on
>> my site:  http://solar.physics.montana.edu/savage/Solar.html .  This one is the
>> well-known TRACE 020421 flare, however, we have several SXT examples and even a few XRT
>> ones.  The last active region that just came across the disk even produced a nice example
>> of a downflow during one of its small flaring events.  As David mentioned, I will be
>> presenting these results in my poster at the AAS meeting in May.
>> Cheers,
>> Sabrina
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: "David McKenzie" <mckenzie@mithra.physics.montana.edu>
>> Sent 5/9/2007 6:01:51 PM
>> To: "Ed Deluca" <edeluca@cfa.harvard.edu>
>> Cc: "Kelly Korreck" <kkorreck@cfa.harvard.edu>, "Leon Golub" <lgolub@cfa.harvard.edu>,
>> "Patricia Jibben" <pjibben@head.cfa.harvard.edu>, "Loraine Lundquist"
>> <llundquist@cfa.harvard.edu>, "Steve Saar" <saar@head.cfa.harvard.edu>, "Antonia
>> Savcheva" <asavchev@cfa.harvard.edu>, "Jonathan Cirtain" <jcirtain@cfa.harvard.edu>,
>> "Monica Bobra" <mbobra@head.cfa.harvard.edu>, "Mark Weber" <mweber@cfa.harvard.edu>, "Tom
>> Metcalf" <metcalf@cora.nwra.com>, "Kathy Reeves" <kreeves@cfa.harvard.edu>, "David
>> McKenzie" <mckenzie@mithra.physics.montana.edu>, "Sabrina Savage"
>> <savage@mithra.physics.montana.edu>
>> Subject: Re: ?Xrt Tadpoles?
>> Responses to some of the many comments in this thread:
>>> Metcalf and Kathy have looked at RHESSI/XRT joint obs. I think
>>> RHESSI missed the X-flares seen by XRT, is this true?
>> I checked with Hudson and Krucker back in December, and RHESSI has a
>> little from 12-Dec, and more from 13-Dec.  See
>> http://sprg.ssl.berkeley.edu/~tohban/browser/?show=grth+qlpr+qlprr&date=20061213&time=022816
>> Haven't followed up with them since, though.
>>>>> We have seen them in both of the X-flares (on the disk). I don't
>>>>> think we have seen
>>>>> this on the disk with TRACE or Yohkoh.
>> Yohkoh did see them as far onto the disk as longitude=32degrees (McKenzie
>> 2000, Sol.Phys., 195, 381), though they are certainly easier to see at the
>> limb.
>>>>> The argument is that they are voids maybe associated with empty flux
>>>>> ropes contracting through the hot plasma.
>> The strongest evidence for 'voids' is spectroscopic observations from
>> SUMER (Innes et al. 2003, Sol.Phys., 217, 247), in which the downflowing
>> features showed (a) no emission in 3 different temperatures, and (b) no
>> absorption of neutral hydrogen.  No emission + no absorption = no density.
>> As for 'shrinking flux tubes', we based this on the facts that (a) they
>> move down into the top of the arcades, and no further; (b) the motions are
>> not radial to the sun, and thus are not aligned with the gravitational
>> vector; and (c) in flares with dark downflows, we also often see
>> X-ray-emitting features with the same motions (speed and direction) and
>> sizes.  The emitting, shrinking things seem to be vaguely loop-shaped.
>> Other than flux tubes shrinking to relax magnetic tension, it's difficult
>> to explain plasma voids moving downwards into the top of an arcade.
>>>>>> Is anyone working on this or knows the dates of the data?
>> As I mentioned, this is Sabrina's thesis project.  She's developed some
>> techniques for automatically detecting the flows, and we've produced some
>> results assigning magnetic fluxes to the individual flux tubes.  Sabrina
>> will be presenting her work at SPD; see her abstract online.  Sabrina, do
>> you have an enhanced movie of the XRT SADs you could share with the group?
>> McKenzie's XRT movies are a password-protected webpage at
>> http://solar.physics.montana.edu/mckenzie/Temp/
>> [The username is xrtco, the password is too, 2x]
>>>>>> Also is there an XRT data/science email list?
>> xrt_science@head.cfa.harvard.edu
>> Incidentally, it's the SUMER result that makes me strongly object to the
>> 'tadpoles' nomiker.  'Tadpole' suggests a blob of higher density, whereas
>> the data clearly indicate an absence of density.
>> Maybe I ought to come out and give a seminar or something....
>> __  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  __
>> David E. McKenzie, Ph.D.       	   mckenzie@solar.physics.montana.edu
>> Montana State University			Phone: (406) 994-7843
>> Dept. of Physics	    http://solar.physics.montana.edu/mckenzie
>>  			"Luceo, non uro"
>> __  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  __

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David E. McKenzie, Ph.D.       	   mckenzie@solar.physics.montana.edu
Montana State University			Phone: (406) 994-7843
Dept. of Physics	    http://solar.physics.montana.edu/mckenzie
 			"Luceo, non uro"
__  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  __