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Re: Draft agenda for GMU, 30th to 31st October
- To: Ken Dere <kdere@gmu.edu>, Louise Harra <lkh@mssl.ucl.ac.uk>, George Doschek <george.doschek@nrl.navy.mil>, Tetsuya Watanabe <WATANABE@uvlab.mtk.nao.ac.jp>, Ed Deluca <deluca@head.cfa.harvard.edu>, Len Culhane <jlc@mssl.ucl.ac.uk>, John Mariska <mariska@nrl.navy.mil>, Hiro Hara <hara@solar.mtk.nao.ac.jp>, Harry Warren <hwarren@nrl.navy.mil>, Mark Weber <mweber@head.cfa.harvard.edu>, Ryouhei Kano <ryouhei.kano@nao.ac.jp>, Taro Sakao <Sakao.Taro@isas.jaxa.jp>, Peter Young <P.R.Young@rl.ac.uk>, Helen Mason <H.E.Mason@damtp.cam.ac.uk>, Keiichi Matsuzaki <matuzaki@solar.isas.jaxa.jp>, Peter Cargill <p.cargill@ic.ac.uk>, Khalid al-Janabi <kfj@mssl.ucl.ac.uk>, Charles Brown <charles.brown@nrl.navy.mil>, Viggo Hanseen <viggo.hansteen@astro.uio.no>, David Brooks <dhbrooks@ssd5.nrl.navy.mil>, Ayumi Asai <asai@nro.nao.ac.jp>, John Rainnie <J.A.Rainnie@rl.ac.uk>, Suguru Kamio <suguru.kamio@nao.ac.jp>, Shinsuke Imada <shinsuke.imada@nao.ac.jp>, Jonathan Cirtain <jcirtain@cfa.harvard.edu>, Giulio Del Zanna <G.Del-Zanna@damtp.cam.ac.uk>, Loraine Lundquist <llundquist@cfa.harvard.edu>, Matthew Whillock <mcrw@mssl.ucl.ac.uk>, Louisa Bradley <ljb@mssl.ucl.ac.uk>, Leon Golub <golub@head.cfa.harvard.edu>, Kathy Reeves <kreeves@cfa.harvard.edu>, Kelly Korreck <kkorreck@cfa.harvard.edu>, Joan T Schmelz <jschmelz@memphis.edu>
- Subject: Re: Draft agenda for GMU, 30th to 31st October
- From: Ed Deluca <edeluca@cfa.harvard.edu>
- Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2007 16:29:18 -0400
- Cc: eis_science@mssl.ucl.ac.uk, xrt science <xrt_science@head.cfa.harvard.edu>
- Reply-To: Ed Deluca <edeluca@cfa.harvard.edu>
- Sender: owner-xrt_science@head.cfa.harvard.edu
I have expanded the email list a bit and added some thoughts on XRT/
EIS science in the
attached rtf file. I have resent David Williams' draft agenda for the
I don't know if we can cover the XRT/EIS science in a single day, but
I am
not in favor of long meetings either. If attendance is large we might
small groups to look at the "AR Loops", "micro-flares" ... and then
back at in the afternoon. Is break-out space a problem?
In item (1)
GMU EIS SciMeeting.doc
GMU EIS SciMeeting.doc
{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
\f0\fs24 \cf0 XRT/EIS science\
(0) Trust is the most important thing in a relationship\
XRT needs to trust EIS to provide the detailed plasma properties during an investigation\
EIS needs to trust XRT to provide the context in space and time for those plasma properties\
Teams need to trust the COs to make the right decisions on pointing and cadence / data rate decisions. Over constraining a joint observation will not produce usable data\
(1) Default structure for a joint observation\
A typical ~6hr XRT/EIS program should start with each instrument taking a set\
of context data: XRT large FOV images in multiple passbands (particularly thick ones)\
run it several times to estimate time changes; EIS full rasters with a broad range of\
lines (long and short exposures?) estimated time ~1hr.\
Then 4 hrs of high time cadence XRT images using thin and thick(binned?) filters.\
EIS runs multiple small rasters or picket fence depending on the line selection.\
End with ~1hr of context data as above.\
(2) Sharing resources\
Are there programs which EIS (or XRT) can run only if they have additional\
data rates? What is the best complimentary program for the other instrument?\
(3)Joint Science\
The pre-flare state is most interesting. We need the super-hot lines\
from EIS to be included in the plan. XRT may want to run a 5-filter set at\
high cadence and binning in several filters.\
XRT highest time cadence is needed. At most 2-filters. Maybe \
try running with just Be_med and let EIS provide the 1-2MK context.\
If the orientation is favorable flows can be measured.\
AR Loops\
Loops, loops, loops - if we don't solve this problem with Hinode,\
we should give up and start raising dairy goats. The loops are going to have\
different heating mechanisms, they are all going to be time dependent,\
and flows along the loop is probably the norm. Can we define the\
basic loop program that will give: \
Te(t), ne(t) and v(t) over sufficiently large Te and at a sufficient number\
of points that we can constrain the heating, filling factor and ionization state.\
What is XRT's role here? \
Dynamics, connectivity and high temperature (4-10MK) constraints\
AR Flows\
There is a lot of email about this program already. Maybe \
enough is known so the program is on track and no further discussion is needed? \
AR Filament/prominence\
Do we really need two names for the same thing seen differently?\
XRT can give the structure and evolutions of AR filament channels. EIS transition region lines are needed to model the thermal structure \
around the filament. Can EIS see the filament/corona transition region?\
I think I have seen it as a transient structure in TRACE above the limb.\
Flows around the filament channel? Density structure?\
On the disk we can model the magnetic field for AR filaments.\
Polar crown filaments\
XRT sees cavities, and sometimes hot cores of the polar crown\
filaments. Is there a complex thermal structure across the \
cavity that is visible to EIS?\
Quiet Sun\
XBPs - use tracking to follow the thermal evolution of XBPs over their \
life time. Evolution is slow enough for XRT to use multiple filters. Relationship of magnetic evolution and emission/thermal evolution\
is key to closing the book on XBPs. They should be the simplest structures\
after loops on the sun. \
Jets - everyones favorite topic. Are there specific properties of the reconnection \
process that can be understood by observing jets in coronal holes?\
What is the jet equivalent of the ribbons in a two ribbon flare? Can we \
measure the reconnection rate as the jet foot points spread? I think \
disk center CH's are key to understanding here. The vector magnetic\
field data from the is not understandable (by me).\
CH - is it possible that Fisk's argument is correct? Open fields migrate to regions\
with low flux emergence? What is the signature in EIS/XRT of an open\
field line reconnecting with emerging flux?\
Dr. Edward E. DeLuca Smithsonian Astrophysical
edeluca@cfa.harvard.edu MS 58
Office 617 496 7725 60 Garden Street
Fax 617 496 7577 Cambridge, MA 02138
Cell 508 728 5424 USA