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xrt_co: - Fwd: AGU meeting Hinode presentations
I am not exactly sure what Alexi is asking for terms of a speaker,
but for the
movie and images - 10minutes is a lot of time. Let me know your
for the compelling XRT movies.
I have asked Alexi for clarification about the speaker and about our
in the booth, like we did at SPD. More later.
Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Pevtsov, Alexei A. (HQ-DA000)" <Alexei.A.Pevtsov@nasa.gov>
> Date: September 27, 2007 11:57:18 AM EDT
> To: "Ted Tarbell" <tarbell@lmsal.com>, "Ed Deluca"
> <deluca@head.cfa.harvard.edu>, "Doschek, George"
> <george.doschek@nrl.navy.mil>
> Subject: AGU meeting Hinode presentations
> Dear Ed, George, and Ted:
> NASA is planning to have 15-minute presentations on Hinode
> instruments overview at the Fall AGU. These 15 minute
> presentations will part of the nine Heliophysics presentations
> given in the NASA Science Mission Directorate booth over
> the course of three days, December 11-13, 2007.
> Can you suggest the most suitable speakers for these presentations?
> PowerPoint format is fine, but I will need to know if internet will be
> required. The presentation schedule will be made once we have
> commitments from all speakers. We would need short presentation
> descriptions/abstracts asap to include in advertising materials.
> Also, we have the opportunity to showcase about 10 minutes of
> Heliophysics highlights on a large display in the conference hall,
> and we
> would like to include each instrument in that activity as well.
> Can you suggest the most scientifically compelling movies or stills
> with
> captions from all three instruments for this display?
> Thanks,
> Alex
> --
> Alexei A. Pevtsov, Ph.D.
> NASA Headquarters, Mail Suite 3R15, 300 E St., SW, Washington, DC
> 20546
> Ph: 202-358-1106; FAX: 202-358-3987
> Solar Physics Discipline Scientist
> Program Scientist: Hinode, SDO, SOHO, RHESSI, TRACE