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Re: [xrt_co:05689] xrt_co: Hinode flare mode observation: issues, scenarios and ideas (xrt_co:)

Title: Re: [xrt_co:05689] xrt_co: Hinode flare mode observation: issues, scenarios and ideas (xrt_co:)

Thank you for this Paolo.

----- Original Message -----
From: Paolo Grigis <pgrigis@cfa.harvard.edu>
To: XRT-CO <xrt_co@solar.isas.jaxa.jp>
Cc: xrt_science@head.cfa.harvard.edu <xrt_science@head.cfa.harvard.edu>
Sent: Thu Aug 28 16:11:20 2008
Subject: [xrt_co:05689] xrt_co: Hinode flare mode observation: issues, scenarios and ideas (xrt_co:)


after discussion in the XRT operation teleconference,
I have prepared, with help of several members of the
XRT team, a document that addresses flare mode
observations for XRT (and Hinode), considering the
limited data-rate available. It also summarizes
issues relevant to planning and CCD safety.

This should constitute a basis for a discussion of
the relevant issues and difficulties and a first attempt
at suggesting possible modes for flare observations.

Some technical questions are still under investigation
and will be addressed in future versions of this document.

Comments and suggestion are very welcome.

Ed DeLuca asked me to release this document in view of the
upcoming SWG meeting.

Best wishes,
Paolo Grigis
Paolo Grigis                 Harvard-Smithsonian
pgrigis@cfa.harvard.edu      Center for Astrophysics P-148
                              60 Garden St.
Office: +1-617-496-7963      Cambridge, MA 02138
Cell:   +1-617-710-6547      USA