XRT Picture of the Week (XPOW)

XRT Home XRT Mission Ops YouTube

2007 December 16

(Click image to view movie.)

Very early phase of an Emerging Flux Region (movie)
This is a movie of a very early phase of an emerging flux region (EFR) seen by MDI magnetograph (left) and XRT (right). Each FOV is about 20000km-square.

The first Soft X-Ray(SXR) loop was observed about one hour after the first appearance of EFR in the magnetic field data. Multiple SXR loop structure in the EFR could not be found until the "second" magnetic flux emerged. Probably the second emergence caused some activities in the corona, though it aligned almost parallel (which is expected less chance of magnetic reconnection than other configuration) to the first one.

Keywords: Emerging Flux, Magnetogram

(prepared by K. Yoshimura)

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