XRT Picture of the Week (XPOW)

XRT Home XRT Mission Ops YouTube

2007 December 17

(Click image to view movie.)

A day in the life of an active region (movie)
Four views of an active region over the course of a day (10-Dec-2007). The upper left image is constructed from combined long and short exposures allowing us to see both the hot bright core and the surrounding cooler loops. The thicker filters (Be_Med, Al_Thick and Be_Thick) show progressively hotter plasma (the x-ray emission from cool plasma is more easily absorbed by the thick filters, so the image is limited to hotter plasma in the thicker filters).

During the course of the day many microflares are seen. XRT observations with multiple filters show both the morphology of the microflares and their thermal structure. Detailed investigations of these common reconnection events with Hinode (SOT, EIS and XRT) and RHESSI are underway. The combined instrument suite can observe the magnetic field structure (SOT), the thermal plasma temperature and velocity (EIS), the coronal morphology of both the flareing plasma and its surroundings (XRT) and the properties of the non-thermal (high energy) electrons RHESSI.

Keywords: Temperature Structure, Microflares, AR Tracking
Filters: Be_thin, Be_med, Al_med, Be_thick

(prepared by E. DeLuca)

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