XRT Picture of the Week (XPOW)

XRT Home XRT Mission Ops YouTube

2019 February 12

Hinode XRT Observes Heart Shaped Active Regions
Click for movie. Also available on YouTube.

From XRT with Love

When observing the Sun in soft X-ray with XRT, we sometimes find an active region(AR) taking the form of a heart shape. The latest example was passing across the Sun during the last week, a week earlier than the Valentine's day in 2019.

The above image is a collage of the heart-shaped ARs collected from XRT's past observations. The latest one appears at the bottom of the image. You can find more information in the movie about the individual ARs, or you can simply enjoy the hearty images formed by the Sun.

Happy Valentine's day from the XRT team.

Click here for printable solar valentines from February 2017.

Keywords: AR Tracking, Heart
Filters: Al_mesh, Be_thin, Al_poly

(Prepared by Aki Takeda)

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