XRT Picture of the Week (XPOW)

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2023 March 09

Cusps and Arcades

Flares from AR13234. Click the above image to watch
or click here for the youtube version.

Flaring Sun to Celebrate Hinode's 6000 days

Flares and more flares! As the Sun becomes more active, there is an increased likelihood of a major flare watch being declared. Observers receive these alerts when a large flare (M or X class) is likely to occur from a specific AR. It is difficult to know the exact time a flare will happen, so we 'sit and stare' at the active region for an extended period of time to increase our chances of catching the flare. Hinode/XRT was lucky to catch a C flare during a major flare watch on February 23rd and 24th from Active Region 13234. There are over 2000 flares observed in the 6000 days Hinode has been in orbit.

Keywords: AR Tracking, Flare
Filters: Thin_Be

(Prepared by Joy Velasquez and Crisel Suarez)

The XRT instrument team is comprised of SAO, NASA, JAXA, and NAOJ.

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