XRT Picture of the Week (XPOW)

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2024 February 09

512 Loops384_Loops

Flare loops from two M class flares and a series of C class flares! Click each image to see the movie or click here for the youtube version.

M-Class Flares Produce Post-Flare Loops

Early on January 29th, 2024, AR13559 produced two M class flares. The first flare was an M1.3 and occurred at 01:40UT. The second was a larger M6.8 flare that occurred at 04:38UT. While those two large events were spectacular, it is what they left behind that were particularly interesting. AR13559 continued to produce a series of C class flares over the next day and produced a dramatic series of post-flare loops that XRT was able to observe.

Keywords: Flare, Post-Flare Loops
Filters: Be_Thin

(Prepared by Lucas Guliano)

The XRT instrument team is comprised of SAO, NASA, JAXA, and NAOJ.

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