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2024 October 29

10/2024 Eclipse 1

Click either of the above images to see the eclipse from 10/02/2024! Or click here for the youtube version

Grumpy Solar Event: the South Pacific Annular Solar Eclipse

Sharing is caring, but this past October 2nd, the Sun grumpily shared our sky with the Moon. The annular eclipse was only visible to the South Pacific and parts of South America. Last year in October, there was a similar eclipse that traced through the continental U.S. and down into Central America. However, the grumpiness comes from a number of active regions (AR) on the West Limb, the right hand disk edge.

As this is the season of Halloween, Hinode (Solar-B) haunted the path of the eclipse four separate times due to the speed of the satellite’s orbit. Out of the four passes, the X-Ray Telescope (XRT) could only capture the eclipse once. Moon position and instrument safety were factors in the other passes. The movie uses the Al-poly filter which captures active regions with good detail. If you use some imagination, the West Limb appears to be a grumpy jack o'lantern. Enjoy Spooky Season with the Sun and Moon.

Keywords: Eclipse, Full Disk
Filters: Al_Poly

(Prepared by Rhiannon Fleming and Aki Takeda)

The XRT instrument team is comprised of SAO, NASA, JAXA, and NAOJ.

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