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2024 December 03

Halloween Flares

Click the above images to see the spooky flare activity from Halloween 2024! Or click here for the youtube version

2024 Halloween Flare and Transiting Two Ghosts

The Sun was eerily active during the week of Halloween 2024. A vigorous region appeared from the Northeast limb on 10/28 with a few M-class flares and was given a name of NOAA 13878. This region evolved to have a highly complex magnetic configuration and was classified as a beta-gamma-delta type on 10/31. Appropriately for this classification, NOAA 13878 produced an X2.0 flare at the night of Halloween (10/31 21:12 UT)!

What is more remarkable is that NOAA 13878 formed a reverse-S shape, looking like a ghost floating in the corona! In reality, this S-shape is called a 'sigmoid', known as a flare-prone structure of active regions. East of the sigmoid is its neighbor, NOAA 13879, which somehow looks like another ghost facing NOAA 13878. After the X class flare on Halloween night, these two ghosts face-to-face have flown to the West until disappearing behind the Northwest limb.

Keywords: Sigmoid, Flare
Filters: Al_poly/Ti_poly, Be_thin, and Al_poly

(Prepared by Aki Takeda and Rhiannon Fleming)

The XRT instrument team is comprised of SAO, NASA, JAXA, and NAOJ.

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