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Fwd: [xrt_co:02143] DC Meeting agenda 30th-31st October (xrt_co: eis_co:)


  Attached is the draft agenda for the GMU meeting from David Williams.
In addition to the activities of the 31st we will continue our  
meeting on
1-Nov with some members of the EIS team. We will use the extra
day for completing any outstanding questions from the previous
discussions and to address the complex problem of EIS/XRT
cross calibration.

For XRT I would like to ask Jonathan and
Noriyuki to prepare short presentations  for 1-Nov on:
the calibration plan, existing data sets, current status (JC)
the XRT contamination problems (NN)

The GMU web page:
lists hotels near the campus. I don't know what availability is at
present. I plan on arriving in Fairfax on the afternoon of 30-Oct and
departing the evening of 1-Nov. The XRT team should plan
on meeting in the morning of 31-Oct for internal discussions.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: David Williams <drw@mssl.ucl.ac.uk>
> Date: October 5, 2007 7:36:26 AM EDT
> To: XRT_CO <xrt_co@solar.isas.jaxa.jp>, EIS_CO  
> <eis_co@solar.isas.jaxa.jp>, eis-soft <eis-soft@mssl.ucl.ac.uk>
> Cc: Ken Dere <kdere@gmu.edu>, Khalid al-Janabi <kfj@mssl.ucl.ac.uk>
> Subject: [xrt_co:02143] DC Meeting agenda 30th-31st October  
> (xrt_co: eis_co:)
> Reply-To: xrt_co@solar.isas.jaxa.jp
> Dear all,
> Please find attached the (hopefully Windows-friendly) draft agenda  
> for the EIS and EIS/XRT Meetings in DC at the end of this month.  
> Many thanks to those of you on EIS's team who responded to the  
> earlier internal agenda, and thanks in particular to Ed for his  
> very focused input on the joint agenda.
> Note that, due to a wealth of issues already on the agenda for EIS,  
> the joint session between EIS and XRT is restricted to the  
> afternoon of Wed 31st October. I appreciate that this isn't ideal  
> for some folks, but I hope we can get a lot out of the session  
> nonetheless.
> In order to capitalise on this half-day of joint discussions, I  
> strongly suggest that we come to it with our homework done! The  
> best thing to do when co-ordinating new observations between  
> instruments is to have observations for your own instrument fairly  
> well thought out. Know the scales (time, length, temperature,  
> temperature range, velocity) in which you are interested, and then  
> think about what *physics* you want from the other instrument.  
> Avoid the temptation to get into the details. Allowing the other  
> instrument team to provide their larger experience on what they can  
> do is a recipe for much more fruitful collaboration, so I'd  
> encourage you all to do this.
> EIS will have discussed their current state of understanding of the  
> data, instrument and science before the joint session, so I hope  
> that we'll be able to meet our XRT colleagues with the best  
> available information on what scientific topics we can usefully  
> contribute to!
> Of course, I would appreciate comments and feedback on this agenda.  
> I'll send a finalised version after that. I've attached names to  
> topics where I thought they'd match up, but tell me if you're not  
> happy to talk on something you're attached to, or would like to  
> talk on something you're not attached to. (Please reply to me,  
> rather than the default "reply-to" address.)
> Finally, I encourage those of you who have not sent or decided on  
> final numbers from your institute to e-mail Ken Dere as requested  
> with this information. He has the dubious hono(u)r of having to  
> organise a bunch of scientists, so if you can let him know who to  
> expect, that would be very helpful.
> Best wishes for now,
> Dave
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>   David R. Williams, UCL (MSSL)   | Tel.: +81-(0)42-759-8627
>   EIS Resident Chief Observer &   | Fax : +81-(0)42-759-8526
>   Hinode Project Scientist (UK)   |
>                                   | Hinode UK Web:
>   Hinode Team Office              |  msslxr.mssl.ucl.ac.uk:8080/SolarB
>   ISAS/JAXA                       |
>   3-1-1 Yoshinodai, Sagamihara    | Hinode EIS Wiki:
>   Kanagawa, 229-8510, Japan       |  msslxr.mssl.ucl.ac.uk:8080/ 
> eiswiki
> =====================================================================

DC Science 07 Draft1.doc
