XRT Picture of the Week (XPOW)

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2023 July 27

Python X Flare

Composite image of an X1.1 flare processed by XRTpy

X Flare Image Made in Python

The Sun has gotten much more active throughout this Summer. This AR produced an X1.1 flare on July 3, 2023 on the northwestern limb of the Sun. The above image shows a composite created from short and long exposure images in the Be-Thin filter.

IDL has long been the standard for processing XRT data. That being said, what better way for a student to procrastinate learning creating composites in IDL than to write a very simplified version in python? And what better way to procrastinate doing thermal analysis on my flare of interest than to create an XPOW? Thus, this image was made.

The python code capitalized on the use of grademaps. These accompanying fits files of level 1 images contain information about which pixels are saturated, affected by dust contamination, etc. By using the array contained in these fits files, we can replace saturated pixels with unsaturated ones.

As we develop XRTpy more and more, perhaps creating composite images of XRT images will be just as easy as doing so in IDL! I know I am always excited for the development and improvement of XRTpy.

Keywords: AR Tracking, Flare
Filters: Thin-Be

(Prepared by Anna Chen)

The XRT instrument team is comprised of SAO, NASA, JAXA, and NAOJ.

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