XRT Picture of the Week (XPOW)

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2023 July 31

Solar Gamma

Interesting Y/Gamma shape from ARs on the Sun!

Gamma Shape on the Sun

Sometimes the distribution of active regions on the Sun forms into recognizable shapes. Starting around July 20th, a particular shape began to form on the Sun. Five active regions (13372, 13373, 13374, 13376, and 13378) spanned the majority of the central disk and formed into a distinct y or gamma shape.

Looking at the Sun and these active regions serves as a real Rorschach test of what you can see. As we continue to get more active regions as cycle 25 starts to peak, who knows what other shapes we will see?

Keywords: Full Disk, Synoptic
Filters: Al-poly

(Prepared by Lucas Guliano)

The XRT instrument team is comprised of SAO, NASA, JAXA, and NAOJ.

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