This DVD was created with the work of Len Gittleman, who passed on April 5th, 2022. Len worked with the XRT team during the instrument build and early operations as a valuable contributor to the goals of Hinode. The team is saddened by this loss and hopes that this DVD can serve as a memorial to his work.
We are no longer taking orders for the XRT DVD. Instead, the XRT team has made the DVD available on Youtube. Please see the link below to go to a Youtube Playlist that contains sections from the XRT DVD.
XRT DVD: Youtube Playlist
Front cover |
Back cover |
(Click on images to enlarge.)
About This Product
Space Science Careers: Building Hinode XRT, A Space X-Ray
Telescope is a resource for high school guidance counselors and
others who provide career awareness information to high school
students. The goal of Space Science Careers is to introduce
students particularly those who might be interested in technical
careers to the diversity of career opportunities at NASA and in the
space industry.
When students think about careers with NASA, they typically think
of astronauts and engineers; they are much less aware of the large
technical workforce that operates behind the scenes to make the
space program possible. This product highlights the work of those
people who manufacture, assemble, inspect, test, and transport
scientific instruments before they are launched into space.
Space Science Careers embeds career awareness in video clips
that document the construction of an X-ray telescope--- a project of
the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory that was launched into
Earth orbit on the Hinode satellite on September 23, 2006. The
resource provides students with a unique window into the workplace
and an unscripted view of workers collaborating and solving problems
as they attend to their specialties.
The Space Science Careers product consists of a set of two disks:
The Digital Video Disk is organized into the following sections:
- Introduction: Includes a brief overview of the DVD, the
Hinode satellite, and the X-ray telescope, and video of the
launch of Hinode from the Uchinoura Space Center in Japan;
- Careers: Interviews with eighteen people who worked in
various capacities on the construction of the X-ray telescope;
- X-ray Telescope: An introduction to the major components
of the X-ray telescope;
- Science: Two young scientists describe a discovery they
made while studying data collected by the X-ray telescope;
- Extras: An interesting collection of video clips that
provide insights into both the science mission and the work
that made it possible.
The Worker Profiles Disk provides additional information
about nine of the workers featured in the Careers section of the
DVD. Individual profiles, in PDF format, can be printed and distributed
to students who are interested in additional information about
particular workers or some of the instruments, machinery, and systems
they used during the construction of the X-ray telescope.
Visit for more information about the Hinode
satellite, the X-ray telescope, Hinodes latest X-ray images of the
Sun, and much more.