Here we have three episodes in the life of the sigmoidal active region
affectionately dubbed
Another sigmoid, or S-shaped region, was in our spotlight four entries back. Head on
over there or to
one of our
other past sigmoid
features to learn
more about what these
regions are and why they're of particular interest.
The first animation on the left shows a small eruption associated with
a long-duration B8.1
flare that spanned 01:03 to 02:08 UT on
2013/04/20, according
to NOAA's daily
flare reports.
The second animation in the upper-right seems to show brightenings in the two core
bundles of J-shaped loops that join to form the sigmoid's characteristic S-shape.
Lastly, the animation in the lower-right shows a significantly larger eruption than
the first. This registered as a C2.7 flare and was likely the origin of a
partial-halo CME
observed by LASCO
and automagically recorded in the
CACTus catalog. Click on any one of the animations
for a movie spanning the three days that XRT observed this region.
Keywords: Sigmoid, AR Tracking, Flare, CME
Filters: Be_thin